The RTI Prophet # 1 has been like a rock, = No problems at all, The big increase in $$$ from the P-1 and the P-2 was the valve and the barreal, I have seen some pretty cheap Prophet # 2 come up for sale , Tempted to buy as the valve is a easy fix for even a thumbs guy like me..
If I wanted to work on a new 2000 dollar gun I would have bought a .. Opps not going there,,
## 1 if I get a Mora , Buy from a USA dealer,, so if there is a problem send it back !!
Not real sure of the RTI warranty time and what it covers
I thought the Mora came with the RPB barreal made just for RTI by LW, am I wrong?
Dam spell checker changes my Barrel to Barreal ????
The RTI Prophet # 1 has been like a rock, = No problems at all, The big increase in $$$ from the P-1 and the P-2 was the valve and the barreal, I have seen some pretty cheap Prophet # 2 come up for sale , Tempted to buy as the valve is a easy fix for even a thumbs guy like me..
If I wanted to work on a new 2000 dollar gun I would have bought a .. Opps not going there,,
## 1 if I get a Mora , Buy from a USA dealer,, so if there is a problem send it back !!
Not real sure of the RTI warranty time and what it covers
I thought the Mora came with the RPB barreal made just for RTI by LW, am I wrong?
Dam spell checker changes my Barrel to Barreal ????
The 22 and 25 cals come with the proprietary barrels and other barrels can be had for dedicated pellet shooters. As the above post says the 357 comes with an unchoked barrel but it's not advertised as one of the proprietary ones. The 17 and 30 still come with choked barrels, it's early and brain not awake so don't remember if they're LW or CZ.
Last i checked the Mora ,177 barrel was still listed as " unresolved "
TBH i would prefer it to be a not choked barrel, if only we could get just a little bit more twist on the damn things than 1 in 17 inches
If i had lathe access i would so get a not choked 1 in 16 barrel to try on my Two, or maybe Maverick for its simpler setup ( not tensioned barrel )
So from the barrels these come in I would think the 357 might be the best slug shooter. I know they say the 22 / 25 are pellet and slug but can they really fire both well. Usually if you do things well you don't do one great.. Its just a compromise in some way to have it work on both ammo.
What is the basis for your logic in this statement? Is it just based on the 'type' of barrels you are reading about? I only ask because I watched a video of Gregor shooting amazing groups in .25 with the Altaros 66gr King slugs. Just sayin' don't base anything on what you 'read'.
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So from the barrels these come in I would think the 357 might be the best slug shooter. I know they say the 22 / 25 are pellet and slug but can they really fire both well. Usually if you do things well you don't do one great.. Its just a compromise in some way to have it work on both ammo.
I have not done a lot of testing with my .25 RPB barrel in my P1, but what shooting I have done, yes, it shoots both pretty well. Mine seems to like NSA 29.5 grain the best so far.
But that is with a first generation Prophet, not a Mora.
Epic airguns also " brand " the CZub barrel as a pellet barrel, but it shoot slugs just fine too it seem, even more so in the calibers above my .177

Actually most of the " reviews " i have seen about the Two have the CZub, perhaps due to the issuers there seemingly is with LW barrels.

My LW barrel in the unchoked parts of the barrel i had to press with 1.5 kilo to push a slug there, but in the middle part with the choke i had to push with 5 kilos to have the slug pass thru there.
How those left the factory as unchoked i will never know, clearly LW are not ISO 9001 branded.
I will for sure urge anyone that use LW barrels, inspect their stuff before they send it out the door.
I was basing it on the choke. Ftom
My understanding slugs prefer a un chocked barrel. And the twist is very good for slugs.

Again I am no expert.

But generally if something is good for A and B it doesn’t excel in either.

To my understanding the RTI proprietary barrels for the 22 and 25 are dedicated slug barrels that can still handle pellets with aplomb, think that's in some of their literature. These things like heavy slugs, really heavy for caliber slugs. Like I said in my other post if someone wants a dedicated pellet barrel for them, they can still buy one.
I was basing it on the choke. Ftom
My understanding slugs prefer a un chocked barrel. And the twist is very good for slugs.

Again I am no expert.

But generally if something is good for A and B it doesn’t excel in either.

Usually I agree. Anything with a dual purpose is usually a compropmise for one or both purposes.
In regard to the RPB barrels, my .25 RPB works will with pellets and with NSA slugs sized at .249. I think the smaller size negates the slug disadvantage in the lighter choked RPB barrels to some extent.
Epic airguns also " brand " the CZub barrel as a pellet barrel, but it shoot slugs just fine too it seem, even more so in the calibers above my .177

Actually most of the " reviews " i have seen about the Two have the CZub, perhaps due to the issuers there seemingly is with LW barrels.

My LW barrel in the unchoked parts of the barrel i had to press with 1.5 kilo to push a slug there, but in the middle part with the choke i had to push with 5 kilos to have the slug pass thru there.
How those left the factory as unchoked i will never know, clearly LW are not ISO 9001 branded.
I will for sure urge anyone that use LW barrels, inspect their stuff before they send it out the door.
I too am very interested in a new Mora, but your statement in regards to ISO 9001 is wrong. ISO 9001 has absolutely nothing to do with product quality. It is all about "process" or Quality Assurance (QA). Quality Control (QC) is totally different.
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