RTI Prophet 2 Opinions

"I’m not sure there were beans to spill."

Considering there were SEVEN responses signing high praises but not answering the OP's one and only question, I'm not sure there weren't beans to spill. I was the first to directly answer his only question.

Yesterday my buddy that is on his third P2 valve 🤬 confirmed my suspicions he would not have bought a Prophet had he known what I spilled in answering the OP's question. I was also considering a Prophet... until my buddy's bad experiences.

Having lost confidence in his Prophet, he has reduced the power to 35 foot pounds in hopes his third valve lasts longer than the first two (less than 500 rounds). One failed in the middle of a match. With about 200 rounds through the third valve, he's keeping his fingers crossed.🤞🥶

As a proper analogy- having found his new supercar undependable when used for its intended purpose, he's resigned it to a grocery-getter role.

As a reminder, I have not bad-mouthed or disparaged Prophets here. I simply answered this thread's only question by reporting the truth. No surprise some are bothered by truth(s), nor does that bother me in the least. Arguments and opinions avoiding truth don't matter.
Plenty have “spilled the beans” on multiple other threads. Point is, nothing has been intentionally hidden, even by RTI themselves. I can’t say the same for other brands. Much respect RTI!
I think people have been a bit coy in their responses, a valve failure, or even multiple valve failures are not a huge deal to some, but for most, that will deter them from further purchases. A lot of people have had major disappointment, and had to ship their guns back and forth. The valve is now on its forth iteration.
So yes, major problems that are being addressed. All that said, I love my Prophet, and look forward to my next one, be it a P2 or P3!
Plenty have “spilled the beans” on multiple other threads. Point is, nothing has been intentionally hidden, even by RTI themselves. I can’t say the same for other brands. Much respect RTI!

Key words, "OTHER threads". My point exactly.

Wrong; something was being intentionally hidden in this thread by posters knowing the answer to the OP's question. They purposely avoided answering his question.

You're welcome.
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Some have had great experiences, some have not. I’ve owned man high end airguns, most of which have been plagued with various issues prone to the given manufacturer. I’ve known many who didn’t suffer from the same issues I had. I’m curious as to what intentional things were hidden. Is there a hidden agenda I’m not aware of?
It’s easy to forget the struggle, once you’ve been pleased for a bit. I believe there is a certain amount of loyalty as well, misguided or not. I don’t think anyone is trying to sucker someone into buying a problem gun, nor is there any Ill intention. You could say it speaks well for the brand…My Prophet is definitely my favorite gun so far!
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Some have had great experiences, some have not. I’ve owned man high end airguns, most of which have been plagued with various issues prone to the given manufacturer. I’ve known many who didn’t suffer from the same issues I had. I’m curious as to what intentional things were hidden. Is there a hidden agenda I’m not aware of?

The OP's post- "I am considering buying an RTI Prophet does anyone know of any problems that are common with the prophet?"

Seven responses before mine made no mention whatsoever of the serious valve problems.
Yep. Didn’t have them till they happened. Which was after my first original post. Much like the other 100% of airgun owners. Once they occurred, I looked for a solution rather than bad mouthing a company. Solution found, and my opinion still stands. It’s a great gun. It was a faulty valve. The company continued to provide resolutions to the problem, listening carefully to their customers. That is a company I’ll stand behind. After my dealings with RTI and now having the gun I have, I’d recommend the OP purchase a P2 for sure. OP, I hope this helps.
Yep. Didn’t have them till they happened. Which was after my first original post. Much like the other 100% of airgun owners. Once they occurred, I looked for a solution rather than bad mouthing a company. Solution found, and my opinion still stands. It’s a great gun. It was a faulty valve. The company continued to provide resolutions to the problem, listening carefully to their customers. That is a company I’ll stand behind. After my dealings with RTI and now having the gun I have, I’d recommend the OP purchase a P2 for sure. OP, I hope this helps.
Ditto, I will also recommend the P2, if you purchase one with the earlier valve RTI will look after you.
Most P2 on the shelves now are probably with the latest valve.
Put about 600 rounds through mine over the weekend, latest valve fitted. It's perfect, I had to prize it out of the local bench rest experts hands, he was fascinated.
Like a few others, initially I was disappointed about the valve failure, fortunately the whole experience became a positive learning curve. Credit to RTI.

Like a lot of folks, I skim read the forum. Not reading most threads, once I was aware of the issue about P2 owners not commenting I commented.

For me the valve issue was a closed chapter, a resolved problem.

I've no issue with posters raising a resolved issue, for a newbie, things get confused and conflicting, a more established member giving a kick start is welcome, 🤗. Again no issues.

Happy Monday folks.
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Someone just likes to stir the proverbial...pot !!!



I have no tolerance for dishonesty, deceit, or talking in circles to avoid answering a SIMPLE, DIRECT question; much less with bad sales pitches for defective products. Nor do I hesitate to expose such... "rubbish". The OP asked for none of that. He asked ONLY for information about any Prophet problems; probably in hopes of avoiding a thousand dollar lemon like my buddy got.💸💸💸

That being exposed sucks the exposed into deeper holes by attempting to cover-up their cover-ups makes my unmuzzled honesty its own reward. That less than honest types then "think" themselves capable of intelligent debate is an excellent bonus!😂

Happy Shooting Y'all!(y)

I have no tolerance for dishonesty, deceit, or talking in circles to avoid answering a SIMPLE, DIRECT question; much less with bad sales pitches for defective products. Nor do I hesitate to expose such... "rubbish". The OP asked for none of that. He asked ONLY for information about any Prophet problems; probably in hopes of avoiding a thousand dollar lemon like my buddy got.💸💸💸

That being exposed sucks the exposed into deeper holes by attempting to cover-up their cover-ups makes my unmuzzled honesty its own reward. That less than honest types then "think" themselves capable of intelligent debate is an excellent bonus!😂

Happy Shooting Y'all!(y)
You are a joke.
Yep. Didn’t have them till they happened. Which was after my first original post. Much like the other 100% of airgun owners. Once they occurred, I looked for a solution rather than bad mouthing a company. Solution found, and my opinion still stands. It’s a great gun. It was a faulty valve. The company continued to provide resolutions to the problem, listening carefully to their customers. That is a company I’ll stand behind. After my dealings with RTI and now having the gun I have, I’d recommend the OP purchase a P2 for sure. OP, I hope this helps.

Who bad-mouthed the company, P85?
No one. It was a general statement. Also, the OP asked about a prophet, not the P2. I just saw that. The Prophet seems pretty solid.
My P2 is the most accurate and consistent gun I have ever owned.
And you are an excellent example of the intellectually defeated resorting to name-calling. Joke's on you!
I would agree.