RTI Prophet 2 Opinions

Too be honest, I'm not really sure I'm going to continue on this forum. So much conflict.
It's unhealthy.
Stay safe guys.
Enjoy your shooting.
I am on quite a few Internet forums and that seems to be a universal constant. I just try to ignore the BS and and take advantage of the good info that is still quite abundant.
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"It seems post #2 mentioned valve issues, and also said that they have worked them out."

Correct, that was the only post out of the first EIGHT responses that did not avoid answering the only question the OP asked.

"Not sure why all the emotions over such small stuff."

I am easily triggered by dishonesty, and don't consider it small stuff.

"$1,800 one should expect perfection. But that is not the reality, regardless of brand."

Yes, "reality sucks". No doubt that's why the original poster asked SPECIFICALLY what problems might be inherent in Prophets; in order to make an INFORMED decision before dropping big bucks on an unknown. My buddy did not do that. So I likely saved the OP the same bad experiences my buddy has endured; as detailed in my previous posts.
Now it sounds like you are saying that owners of RTI that have not had problems are being dishonest.

You clearly hate RTI due to your friends experience. I read all that back then, certainly not a good situation. I understand as there are products that I have had bad experiences with too.

After reading your reaction, I felt embarrassed about how I expressed my disappointment in posts I made on products I feel are junk. The fact is that many chimed in saying they have the same unit and it works fine.
Not for a second did I think they were dishonest.
I had issues with my Prophet 1 Performance 22 that I bought used (4 months old at the time) from AoA in where the side lever would pop open during shooting and getting a blast of air in my face. It would do it about every 7-10 shots. Had it to AoA for repair twice, the first time it worked well for maybe 100 shots and came back. The second time it lasted maybe 200 shots and started to come back again, although not as frequent. Both repairs involved adjusting the linkage. I know of another Prophet 1 owner with the exact same problem (he shoots on one of the well known airgun teams) and his only resolve was to somehow hold the sidelever when he shot! I know of another Prophet 1 owner and competitor with zero such problems so don’t have an answer if it is “common” but probably something to test before you lay out money on that generation model.

Another issue with the P1 is the sidelever detent ball eating into the breech. Mine did that and I have seen it mentioned a time or two in AGN posts. Again unsure if a few instances equates to “common”. AoA told me that it was not related to my issue abut I always suspected it could be! This would be another thing to look out for if buying a P1. My understanding is the P2 sidelever no longer had the detent ball and uses a magnet, likely a good improvement.

The last issue with the Prophet 1 that I believe is common is the loud valve/plenum sounds that emanate into your ear during shooting. For me it was loud enough that I wore an earplug during shooting. I had comments from squad members at an XFT match that they noticed the sound too. I know that sound has been commonly discussed in AGN and elsewhere so that is why I rate it as a common issue. Not sure if that still occurs in the P2.
Now it sounds like you are saying that owners of RTI that have not had problems are being dishonest.

You clearly hate RTI due to your friends experience. I read all that back then, certainly not a good situation. I understand as there are products that I have had bad experiences with too.

After reading your reaction, I felt embarrassed about how I expressed my disappointment in posts I made on products I feel are junk. The fact is that many chimed in saying they have the same unit and it works fine.
Not for a second did I think they were dishonest.

With all due respect, no Sir. It does not sound like I was saying owners of RTI that have not had problems are being dishonest. You're misinterpreting; and misrepresenting my posts. So to be CLEAR, I was saying owners of Prophets that HAVE had problems with Prophets, yet responded to the OP's ONLY question about Prophets with nothing but praise rather than answering his question, weren't being honest. That's obvious, so I called them out. NOT SORRY.

Furthermore, I don't hate RTI. Again you're misinterpreting; and misrepresenting my posts.

"The fact is that many chimed in saying they have the same unit and it works fine. Not for a second did I think they were dishonest." Me neither, not for a second! They aren't the dishonest posters that did have problems, yet refused to answer the OP's question about PROBLEMS.

Please stop misrepresenting my posts. It should be abundantly clear exactly who I criticized... correction- CALLED OUT. And WHY. Never was it RTI. It was those who felt inextricably compelled to cover up for them. That doesn't flush!

BTW, jiggling the handle won't help it flush.
I see, so you were referring to members who posted all good, even though they had reported problems.
Ok then, I commend you on your memory. I clearly miss understood where you were coming from.

Again it's matter of interpretation.

If by "even though they had reported problems" you mean even though they had experienced the problems posted elsewhere but posted only good, you've got my perspective right. If by "even though they had reported problems" you mean they reported on the problems while posting all good, that's still a misinterpretation.

Sorry to be trying to explain all this by keyboard, but hopefully this all the clarification needed.

It's Miller time, Bud!🥴
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You should really drop a note to RTI about your problems.
Agreed... One of My P1 compacts was well out of warranty.. I contacted RTI asking about the newest regulator as it was having issues. Not expecting a single thing for free or inquiring anything should be free. After a email or two explaining the reg issue... I get a rebuild kit set to me for free!! Free!!! When they did not ,what so ever, have to... by any means send me anything for free... That's a company willing and trying to please... So heck yes.. that guy should contact RTI...

What .30 slugs are your shooting? I have my reg set to 120 bar and I’m getting 860fp/s with the JSB 44.75 gr. 730fp/s with a reg pressure of 130 bar from this platform seems a bit anemic. Are you sure your hammer spring tension is turned in enough to open the valve? That or you are shooting really heavy slugs.
50.15Grain KnockOut slugs
I am on quite a few Internet forums and that seems to be a universal constant. I just try to ignore the BS and and take advantage of the good info that is still quite abundant.
Fair comment,👍. Thanks.

Now back to the subject.😉

RTI arms.
I have the prophet 1 and the prophet 2.

Prophet 1, purchased from Spain, small air leak on the regulator fill nipple. 10 bar loss overnight.
Communication with Spain for a couple of months, still no replacement regulator.
One email directly to RTI the regulator was sorted within 10 days. Delivered to my door.
P1 has worked perfectly for 21 months.

P2, purchased from Czech Republic, one of the very first that had them available. Took 10 days for delivery.
By law I have to register my air rifles within 14 days from the purchase date.
So obviously I registered, put the P2 on my ticket asap.
Guess what, I had a defective faulty valve, before I had even zeroed a scope.
Seller asked me to return for a refund or a replacement when they have more stock.
2 problems though. Couriers here, Bulgaria will not transport air rifles. So no way could I return. Plus getting the P2 off my ticket would be a nightmare without the authorities actually seeing the rifle being returned. Catch 22 scenario.

Long story, I apologize.

Couple of emails later, RTI arranged collection and redelivery of the P2, valve sorted, delivered to my door. No cost, free. The Prophet 2 has worked perfectly since.
Any upgrades, valve etc RTI send to me. No cost.
Advice on barrels, transfer port sizes etc. RTI response was always fast and factual.
Advice directly from the manufacturer.🙂
Something of a rare thing.

So, my experience. Credit to RTI, customer service more than makes up for a few hiccups.

PS, I'm not some young buck smitten with RTI, I have a room full of top quality English rifles. Often waiting for parts though 😉.

Happy shooting regards Gary.

Edit, would I purchase again? Definitely 😁
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It started as a compact, then I added an extra huma bottle reg to dual reg the system. It looks fine with the small bottle, 24" shroud and 20" barrel. If you have the performance with the longer bottle it would help to shorten the overall length to baffle the shroud and ditch the mod.
Dual reg? Sounds interesting. Can you give a little more info on it? Is the dual reg making your shots more consistant?
I had issues with my Prophet 1 Performance 22 that I bought used (4 months old at the time) from AoA in where the side lever would pop open during shooting and getting a blast of air in my face. It would do it about every 7-10 shots. Had it to AoA for repair twice, the first time it worked well for maybe 100 shots and came back. The second time it lasted maybe 200 shots and started to come back again, although not as frequent. Both repairs involved adjusting the linkage. I know of another Prophet 1 owner with the exact same problem (he shoots on one of the well known airgun teams) and his only resolve was to somehow hold the sidelever when he shot! I know of another Prophet 1 owner and competitor with zero such problems so don’t have an answer if it is “common” but probably something to test before you lay out money on that generation model.

Another issue with the P1 is the sidelever detent ball eating into the breech. Mine did that and I have seen it mentioned a time or two in AGN posts. Again unsure if a few instances equates to “common”. AoA told me that it was not related to my issue abut I always suspected it could be! This would be another thing to look out for if buying a P1. My understanding is the P2 sidelever no longer had the detent ball and uses a magnet, likely a good improvement.

The last issue with the Prophet 1 that I believe is common is the loud valve/plenum sounds that emanate into your ear during shooting. For me it was loud enough that I wore an earplug during shooting. I had comments from squad members at an XFT match that they noticed the sound too. I know that sound has been commonly discussed in AGN and elsewhere so that is why I rate it as a common issue. Not sure if that still occurs in the P2.

Is this still the case? Cocking handle opening I mean. So with Priest/Prophet platform we are locking the "bolt" (pellet pusher) in the breech block. We do not lock it with the handle, so handle does not or should not get any force when shooting. If you take off the left side plate you will see how it gets locked by the slider (part #23 on the exploded view). So when the handle is fully forward, slider moves the bolt of the pusher downwards and locks it agains the receiver's wall. If at the point slider is touching the bolt, it might unlock when fired. So try to move the slider with your hand so it does not touch the bolt and try firing.

We do test each gun at 30m for accuracy, that is the best way to test the whole system, believe it or not. But even doing so, as you can see, this things still happen. We would catch it if the bolt opened while we tested. I am not saying you fiddled with it, but that these things can happen. We also torture test our guns when we do changes until they break (typically we are talking about 40 - 100k shots).

Is this still the case? Cocking handle opening I mean. So with Priest/Prophet platform we are locking the "bolt" (pellet pusher) in the breech block. We do not lock it with the handle, so handle does not or should not get any force when shooting. If you take off the left side plate you will see how it gets locked by the slider (part #23 on the exploded view). So when the handle is fully forward, slider moves the bolt of the pusher downwards and locks it agains the receiver's wall. If at the point slider is touching the bolt, it might unlock when fired. So try to move the slider with your hand so it does not touch the bolt and try firing.

We do test each gun at 30m for accuracy, that is the best way to test the whole system, believe it or not. But even doing so, as you can see, this things still happen. We would catch it if the bolt opened while we tested. I am not saying you fiddled with it, but that these things can happen. We also torture test our guns when we do changes until they break (typically we are talking about 40 - 100k shots).
It was still the case when I traded in to AoA on a different brand airgun. Unfortunately I had gotten to a point where I found myself flinching as I pulled the trigger in anticipation of the intermittent blowback, and was no longer interested in having AoA attempt to repair it again.