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RTI Prophet .22

I have the prophet performance. Mine does have the cocking issues. I think with a little attention, that can be brought under control. But for being brand new, it shot some very good groups at 50 yards today with so very good FPS results. This gun shoots the .22 25 gr pellet at 990 effortlessly. I've backed it down from there for 50 yards, but it has the power if you want it.

If anyone has any tips about smoothing out the cocking lever, PM me. I'd like to know the secret. Mine is nothing like the little video shows. When you cock it back, sometimes it doesn't catch. Then when you pull it back hard, it catches and double loads a pellet. Ugh...


I think you need to adjust the sear engagement if the sear doesn’t “catch” when the cocking lever is pulled to the rear. There is a small adjustment screw next to the trigger tension adjustment screw on the side of the rear of the rifle. There are adjustment instructions in your manual pages.

I’m not sure why your cocking lever is not smooth. Both of mine are silky smooth but it takes more effort to pull the lever due to the stiffer spring than what you might be familiar with on another brand of rifle. I use a dry lube like Strike Hold or Hornady One Shot to lubricate the linkage pivot points and that may help your lever. I also apply a very small dab of grease to the ball bearing and detent surfaces that hold the lever in the closed position.