About milling the OEM rail flat:
Sorry, I think I'm finally understanding.... — I don't even know exactly what "milling" means, you see, because my background isn't it
machining metals but in
machining minds....

(well, helping minds to grow and
learn, you get the idea).
➔ So,
only thanks to guys like you on the forums have I been able to tune and even mod my PCP's....
Otherwise, I would not have attempted to even open them up!!
Now, to your idea.

Yes, I suppose I could just flatten it out and bolt a couple rails on top of it.
However, if I'm not mistaken (and it seems to require less machining) — I could just take the OEM rail off.
And take a generic rail, drill holes into the right places where the rail stems are, and fasten the rail with the same OEM bolts.
I could even drill several
pairs of holes so I could mount the same new rail further forward or backward, as I see fit.
The longer I'm on these forums, the bolder I'm getting....!

(or crazier....?)
On the PP700 I hacksawed a dovetail adaptor rail because it was in the way of the hammer. Then I dremeled down the 4 adaptor rail bolts to make space for the Tactacam.... ➔ Yeah, the killing
machine is not all that
pretty after using primitive tools, but now it records really
pretty kill shots....