RTI prophet starling smack down

Just received my new prophet a few weeks ago what a shooter, anyway cold and snow brought the starlings in to my cedar trees had a great hunt but at -3 this morning and a high of 5 couldn't stay out to long. Most shots 35-45 yards shooting jsb 18s at 910 hope tomorrow brings them back I'll be ready happy new year everyone...

@hoytwon, I love the sight of so many dead starlings, thank you. I keep seeing starlings, but not really in a place I can shoot them, at my main permission it is mainly collared doves, pigeons and sparrows, though some starlings are starting to show up. Ironically, it is a dairy and starlings are supposed to love dairies, but this one must be on their black list.
Very nice!!! Although personally I won’t touch though dirty birds left alone bring them inside and put in the counter, are you planning on eating them?

Thats just my shop counter and it was to damn cold for outside pictures...I spent many years as a bird taxidermist with a 1st place ribbon at state competition yrs back so wrkn with dead stuff doesn't bother me, what doesn't kill ya only makes you stronger...