Rugged Gear Gun Carts

I saw Barb S. with one of these gun totes at the Cajun Classics this year... pretty snazzy.
I waited 3 months for it to be back in stock but it was worth it to me since i lacked the time to create something as nice to securely hold my toys.
Mine assembled easily and it was a well thought out piece of gear... albeit a pricey piece of gear!



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Lets compare them to the bazillion other FT rigs at any given FT match... muzzles waving forward and backwards and all around as people go from station to station etc... BUT we use our best common sense and try not to FLAG people with our muzzle.
Some ranges require you move from site to site with a gun in its case.
Some safety Logic applies here... no magazine, not loaded... check.... safety on... check.... chamber flag? If required.
Least likely place for a body... in the air on top of a muzzle or in the ground beneath a muzzle = straight up or straight down.
Seriously, would anyone stand over the cart and guns muzzles intentionally. yah can't fix stupid.

Truly no perfect way to be absolutely safe and still reasonable but that said, as adults, we have to give it our best shot... pun intended.
In case you are unaware, you can go muzzle up or muzzle down with these according to your preference and set up.
Lets not forget the "so stupid manufacturers" that put the gauges on the business end.... arghh,.
below is a common configuration of a BOB stroller converted for range use... some folks use a gun case mounted nose down in there BOB'... certainly could still shoot a foot.,. but i jest.
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This us the thread we all were discussing this stuff on a year back?

I'm liking the cart. The website states that these are "Hand-made in South Dakota." Ya gotta like that!
I've seen worse carts everywhere. Muzzle up or down, it's your preference. It's however you would carry it by hand while walking along with a hunting partner. Up seems to actually be the carry of choice in most field walking.
Nice cart!

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I come from the shotgun world. We have been using Rugged Gear carts since the early 90's. They worked great. Then golf carts took over.
My son took over the Rugged Gear for three gun and it works great.
No safer way to transport guns than muzzle up. Muzzle down equals ricochets...
The guns are out in front, not "in your face". If the cart falls over, you did something wrong.
I will find pictures........