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Rusty Barreled HW97K?

Hello All,
Tried search and not 1 result for rust.
Im guessing this barrel on a newly acquired HW97 is rusted. Over the course of two sessions Ive spent hours cleaning and polishing trying to get all of whatever is in there out and its not fully coming.
Picked up a 97 from a member here used. Shoots ok. At 55y I get fliers in all pellets.
Ive cleaned with Ballistol, Hoppes 9, JB Bore Paste, Flitz polish, WD40, a patchworm, cleaning rod, bronze brush, felt pellets and more.
When I went to clean last night the first ballistol patch was super black! Leading me to believe that brown on the patch is rust and its fouling super bad.
Ideas? I did just acquire some Kroil but haven't tried it yet. Maybe plug it somehow and fill it with Kroil and then brush it?
Patches start black, then turn brown. The JB paste turns brown immediately. I ran a scope down it but cant see super clearly can can see where there is brown in the rifling in most of the barrel. Hope its savable.



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I laugh at the brass brush cringe. The metal in the barrel is far harder than any brass brush. You will never remove carbon steel with a brass brush. Those who have machined a HW barrel will understand.
Brass brush is fine with rust devolving solution.. Then cotton clean up with oil.
That’s kind of my thought and approach here. It’s going to be a slow process.
Wrap a patch around a brush. Cover the patch with JB compound and try to apply and even number of strokes down the barrel. After 10 minutes of scrubbing, apply a new patch and JB. Then just a clean patch, and another for inspection.

Try not to scrub too much at the muzzle, else the crown can be cut bell shaped. Not good for even and crisp pellet release.

The problem is not the rust. It is that rust can cause pits. So can any chemical that that removes rust. Making the brown go away is pointless if the barrel ends up pitted. Mechanical removal of the rust also smooths the barrel. The opposite of pits.
I would grab a bottle of 90+ % rubbibg alcolhol. Take square patches & 1/4 fold them douse with the alcohol & push in with a dowel, put 3 in back to back of each other.The patches need to be extremely tight in bore. Push with dowel to muzzel but not out. Run it from end to end quite a few times then push em out muzzle. repeat this process until i starts squeaking. make sure each patch is doused with alcohol. If you can get it to squeek them scope it & see what ya got. I suspect your in .177 with lack of using the mirror on your scope. After I lap my barrels I use the above patch methos to get the crap out I use to lap, clover & JB Blue. I get it all out & scope shows that. I don't think your getting it clean. A single patch on a rod or pull device isn't going to do it. The crap will still be in the grooves. I would try the above & if grooves still look bad I would brush more, then repeat.
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