I tend to see the same thing. Shooting for accuracy and hunting are disciplines that require work without instant gratification. Most younger people are more content being entertained than participating in almost any discipline.I believe the numbers. You see it across the board in centerfire and rimfire as well as air rifle. I started shooting a springer HW97k about 6 months ago. I am in my late 70's and enjoy it since I can shoot in the winter months in my basement. In the summer months I shoot rimfire and centerfire matches and would not give this up to shoot springers. Most of the matches consist of shooters over 65 years of age. I believe the cost of being competitive in matches as well as a lack of interest by younger people has resulted in both shooting and hunting experiencing a sharp decline.
Well said ! I have pictures of my grand kids in pajamas (just awake) with an I pad in their lap and a juice sippy lided cup .I tend to see the same thing. Shooting for accuracy and hunting are disciplines that require work without instant gratification. Most younger people are more content being entertained than participating in almost any discipline.
Screens and lazy parenting is destroying young people's attention spans. Now people label their kids ADHD and drug then as such when its the parent's fault for being a lazy parent to begin with. How often do you pre school children with electronics devices? This ruins children's ability to concentrate, contemplate. It totaly destroys imagination the greatest gift to a child. But thank goodness that the child is quiet for the parents. It all started with Gameboys. Now you see three and four year olds in strollers and restaurants with ipads.
As a society we're addicted to our phones but its really taking a toll on objective thinking and participating in activities of all kinds. There's a good many people on forums that talk way, way more than they actually do. Many of them flat out lie about their activities and results to inflate their sense of self. The screens are fun and a good way to share information but they should only be used to enhance an active life. Not replace it.
Rant over.
You made lots of solid points, but this is just hyperbole. I say that as a father of teens who were born into the Screen Era but did not and do not have destroyed imaginations, nor do their friends.It totaly destroys imagination the greatest gift to a child.
My life story……Not sure what this proves really, it's kinda what I'd expect to see.....
Folks of all ages generally start off with an entry level springer bought locally r gifted (starting off so not involved enough to delve into the online airgun world).
If interest grows they begin researching the Internet and discover the next step is Co2/ pcp as theyre easier to shoot.
They invest, and dive right into the sport, spending loads of money, until one day they wake up and realise they've got c××p all over the place, and shooting pcp's is boring, and then......
At mid life they go back to springers because they're more challenging to shoot, simpler to own, and the correct gun choice for a real man
Stats explained. You're welcome![]()
Let alone just shootYou must admit that spring piston design is a bit Neanderthal. Younger generations have less mechanical skills, attention span, and patience to work on these.
The springer I can shoot right out of it box without spending extra to get it to.You must admit that spring piston design is a bit Neanderthal. Younger generations have less mechanical skills, attention span, and patience to work on these.
I could substitute my name for Bob's. If I count every operation into loading a long range cenrerfire round it's in the middle 30.s, for each round. Now in my late 70s with arthritic hands I am limiting my cf brnch matches . From 2 or 3 every weekend to about 2 or 3 a month. Lots of work involved to be competitive. The younger shooters are happy to bang steel and yes it can be fun. I am amazed at how many are doing it with factory ammo. But, my springers fill the void quite well. Reloading now is...... open the pellet tin, open the action, insert pellet.....good to go. When I was a kid we all had a bb gun to get started. What percentage of kids have a bb gun today? Probably too small to be statistically significant.I believe the numbers. You see it across the board in centerfire and rimfire as well as air rifle. I started shooting a springer HW97k about 6 months ago. I am in my late 70's and enjoy it since I can shoot in the winter months in my basement. In the summer months I shoot rimfire and centerfire matches and would not give this up to shoot springers. Most of the matches consist of shooters over 65 years of age. I believe the cost of being competitive in matches as well as a lack of interest by younger people has resulted in both shooting and hunting experiencing a sharp decline.
Don't get me wrong McNasty. I think springers have their place and are capable of shooting very well. I have four of them plus a bunch of PCPs. Sights? At my age, yup, I need an optic. I bought an HW95 and at 10M my groups with the OEM iron sights were over an inch. After mounting a scope, I could almost shoot one holers. Now take my FWB300SU with it's Olympic style peep sights, that one will shoot as good as a scoped rifle. To me, accuracy is the most important thing.The springer I can shoot right out of it box without spending extra to get it to.
Ever kinda notice like springer guys shoot off there shoulder and lots use irons sights , but near all these fancy PCP guys only shoot bench with a 50x scope locked down in some shooting vice contraption things or something to remove any shooter errors .. then brag how good there gun is . Lol
Oh then there gun ain't got sights so extra money to buy a optic $$. Then there gun shoot on its own so add a compressor $$ hand pump $ air tanks. $$$
I could buy another nice quality springer on what you got to pay to even got to shoot for hat pcp ..