Safety is there for a reason HUBEN k1 DONT SHOOT YOURSELF LIKE MY FRIEND. (Pictures, there not to graphic)

Every gun should be treated like it is loaded, ever acting like it is not, is how mistakes are made, hence someone with a hole in their foot. Have i ever had a gun misfire or fire when it was not supposed to, Yes. Did anyome suffer an injury, no. I was taught the military way as all should. Any gun is still a gun, pcp or powder.
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Empty chamber gets you killed in wild boar country. Never point the business end at anything you want to keep.

Come on man. Wild boars aren't going to kill you. That's just silly.

I've shot many dozen boars. I've never felt the need to carry one hot in the chamber unless I was approaching a wounded one. When it was over I unloaded my rifle and continued existing just fine in "wild boar country".
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2 people 2024 in my county that were friends of the family died on seperate farms. Both were gored in the leg and severred their Femoral Artery. 18min for an ambulalnce. They were dead in 5. I guess you should tell their families that,both forgot their pistol/rifle that day because, "they were just checking fences". It would be nice to know what you are talkimg about.
2 people 2024 in my county that were friends of the family died on seperate farms. Both were gored in the leg and severred their Femoral Artery. 18min for an ambulalnce. They were dead in 5. I guess you should tell their families that,both forgot their pistol/rifle that day because, "they were just checking fences". It would be nice to know what you are talkimg about.

If you are afraid to go out without a defensive weapon because of "wild boars" then you are 100% justified in arming yourself in any way you feel is appropriate.
a lot of the rednecks here in Florida hunt wild boar with catch dogs and a knife

That takes some mighty big persimmons.

An acquaintance of mine took one in Texas with an atlatl and a hand knapped obsidian spear point.

They hunt them in Hawaii barefoot with a sharp stick wearing a breechcloth. Down in those volcanic vents underground.

Big ol' tart persimmons right there.

More people are injured by cattle every year than all wildlife combined.

Horses are the most lethal animal in the US.

I'm always locked and loaded whenever I go on a pony ride. I might not have time to chamber a round and kill my horse before he rubs me off on a tree and dances on my a$$.. That's just how life is in "wild horse country".
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Seems like you’re the one that’s afraid of yourself handling a firearm

The risks of accidental discharge are far greater than the risks of being attacked by a wild boar.

So you are correct. I am more afraid of a
gun accident than being attacked by a boar.

I'm also more afraid of an accident than I am of missing a snap shot on a buck.
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Having worked around cattle and livestock I can say it's no picnic. I've seen crushed faces, amputated fingers, bruised livers, compound fractures and death. The threat is real.

That's why I always carry my .44 mag to the milking barn in case the old cow tries to mash me against the fence.

Every day when it's milking time and I strap on the Desert Eagle I look into the mirror and say, "Honey! I shot the cow!".

That always helps to bring my fear of dangerous animals into perspective.
It would be nice if someone would make a magazine for the FX Impact that had a dead first chamber:

1. Cock the rifle.
2. Insert the magazine.
3. Decock the rifle.
4. Close the bolt on an empty chamber.

When on target:

1. Cock the rifle.
2. Magazine advances to a loaded chamber.
3. Close the the bolt chambering a pellet.

The purpose of the direct pull bolt is smooth, fast, action. Which of course can't happen when one must first load a mag.

I think this would be a nice compromise between carrying loaded on safety - and - having the ability for a quick shot from an empty chamber.
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We carry 9mm & 45ACP side arms when hunting on our leases. I also carry a Bond Arms Snake Slayer with 410 9 Shot in each chamber. Snakes worry me more than Feral or Wild hogs. We hunt from our blinds with both Powder and PCP. Impact 357 & Rattler 452. We all carry out safety checks as a team to be sure our weapons are safe.
Bears are also no joke in many parts of the world & not carrying loaded would be idiotic
We carry 9mm & 45ACP side arms when hunting on our leases. I also carry a Bond Arms Snake Slayer with 410 9 Shot in each chamber. Snakes worry me more than Feral or Wild hogs. We hunt from our blinds with both Powder and PCP. Impact 357 & Rattler 452. We all carry out safety checks as a team to be sure our weapons are safe.

I bought a BA Grizzley based on it's excellent safety features and it's tiny size, which might encourage me to actually carry it. It's very popular in AK as a back-up to your bear gun (double strapped and ready to go)

It's definately a last resort, but I wouldn't want to catch a face full of buck-shot either. & if you get your two shots off you can always use it as a blunt fighting object. It's that solid.
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Speaking of Alaska my first time there me and a friend were on a 150 mile float trip from upper Charlie river to Yukon
then down the Yukon to Circle. When in boat nothing in chamber. But on shore you bet your ass one in chamber.
Being we were not hunting both guns were well beaten Mossberg 500s. First morning while friend was rerigging
raft he called out bear… I was making some pancakes looked to my left and there’s a grizzly doing a 180 at about
30 yards. I said damn Teddy I had video cam, regular camera would have loved to get a picture
It would be nice if someone would make a magazine for the FX Impact that had a dead first chamber:

1. Cock the rifle.
2. Insert the magazine.
3. Decock the rifle.
4. Close the bolt on an empty chamber.

When on target:

1. Cock the rifle.
2. Magazine advances to a loaded chamber.
3. Close the the bolt chambering a pellet.

The purpose of the direct pull bolt is smooth, fast, action. Which of course can't happen when one must first load a mag.

I think this would be a nice compromise between carrying loaded on safety - and - having the ability for a quick shot from an empty chamber.
you could shoot the first pellet and leave it uncocked, I have put it away like that a couple times when waiting on a trash bandit.
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Speaking of Alaska my first time there me and a friend were on a 150 mile float trip from upper Charlie river to Yukon
then down the Yukon to Circle. When in boat nothing in chamber. But on shore you bet your ass one in chamber.
Being we were not hunting both guns were well beaten Mossberg 500s. First morning while friend was rerigging
raft he called out bear… I was making some pancakes looked to my left and there’s a grizzly doing a 180 at about
30 yards. I said damn Teddy I had video cam, regular camera would have loved to get a picture
Getting stomped out by a moose seems to be another popular way to get maimed or killed by critters up that way as well.

There are a few YT videos out there showing how it's done.....
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you could shoot the first pellet and leave it uncocked, I have put it away like that a couple times when waiting on a trash bandit.
That's what I do when I sniper squirrels from my upstairs barn windows.

So I shoot the first pellet and let the rifle rest on its bipod with the bolt closed on an empty chamber as I work.

Then when i hear them playing in the trees I am good to go.

I shifted to an MTC prismatic scope so I can monitor a very wide area and rapidly aquire the target when it takes a break to rest.

After I take the shot, l leave the bolt closed on the empty chamber and drape a green ribbon over the cheek rest to remind me of the rifle's status and go back to doing what I was doing.

It is just plain strange to have to discharge that first pellet in order to ground the gun in a hard posture.

None of my competition rifles have safeties because I cannot stand safeties. As such the safety on my M3s are needed and used only when I clean the barrel to prevent an accidental discharge of air.

My Thomas BR has absolutely NO reason for a safety, nor does my my JR Langley-Verhagen small bore BR. I ground both in a soft posture using an Empty Bore Indicator (visible from the breech & muzzle) wth the breech block open on the Thomas or the bolt removed from the small bore.
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We have bears, wolves, lions, pigs, rattlesnakes and rank cattle.

I carry a fully loaded yucca stick about 5 feet long. It's all I have ever needed to protect myself from all those vicious beasts roaming the front yard.

I consider it a blessing and a privilege to walk up on a bear or a lion in the wild. It's always been an excitement for me. I've never felt the need to carry a weapon to protect myself from one.

I do wear snake guards in the summer. After a few close calls i bought a pair. They have kept me from getting bit twice. I didn't feel the need to kill the snakes after they struck me. I just took a big step back so I could clean out my britches without getting struck at again.
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We have bears, wolves, lions, pigs, rattlesnakes and rank cattle.

I carry a fully loaded yucca stick about 5 feet long. It's all I have ever needed to protect myself from all those vicious beasts roaming the front yard.

I consider it a blessing and a privilege to walk up on a bear or a lion in the wild. It's always been an excitement for me. I've never felt the need to carry a weapon to protect myself from one.

I do wear snake guards in the summer. They have kept me from getting bit twice. I didn't feel the need to kill the snakes after they struck me. I just took a big step back so I could clean out my britches without getting struck at again.
I've done a lot of hunting underwater, the thing I learned and believe is if you act like prey, you become prey.
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