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Side story:

I was in the UK a couple years ago in Plymouth for work. A coworker and I are standing by the curb outside the hotel waiting on a ride, and 6 or 8 teenage girls come walking down the sidewalk past us in a group and they are chatting loudly. As they passed by, from the time that they came within earshot to the time that they exited earshot, they said the "T" word and the "C" word no less than a dozen times. Coworker and I just looked at each other dumbfounded and started cracking up. It's quite the shock at first, but then you realize that they don't see those words quite in the same way as we do in the States. Still curse words of sorts, but it's not the ultimate curse word (as in the lady you said it to will be putting you in an early grave) for them over there.
Twatface definitely sounds like a real respectable name for a person and should be trusted to buy and sell here, just based on that.

That’s Sarcasm for those that don’t get that type of humor.
You don’t have a sense of humour no? You literally base trust from a name on a forum? Obviously any buyer or seller would have to provide proper details… it’s just that I have a sense of humour
Side story:

I was in the UK a couple years ago in Plymouth for work. A coworker and I are standing by the curb outside the hotel waiting on a ride, and 6 or 8 teenage girls come walking down the sidewalk past us in a group and they are chatting loudly. As they passed by, from the time that they came within earshot to the time that they exited earshot, they said the "T" word and the "C" word no less than a dozen times. Coworker and I just looked at each other dumbfounded and started cracking up. It's quite the shock at first, but then you realize that they don't see those words quite in the same way as we do in the States. Still curse words of sorts, but it's not the ultimate curse word (as in the lady you said it to will be putting you in an early grave) for them over there.
Exactly this… it’s been my nickname since 16 and I don’t cry over it
You don’t have a sense of humour no? You literally base trust from a name on a forum? Obviously any buyer or seller would have to provide proper details… it’s just that I have a sense of humour
It was meant as a joke, to bust your balls so yo speak. And I didn’t expect someone with a nickname of TwatFace to be so sensitive.

My apologies. I will treat you with kid gloves from now on.
Pretty sure hurt feelings these days is a Felony.
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