Same gun listed on two auction sites?

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I’m not naming anyone, because maybe it’s perfectly legal/ethical...

But, I have just seen the same, identical, unique air rifle listed on both ebay and gunbroker (exact same series of pics, same backdrops in pics, unique sights/scope, same city and state).

Is this legal? Suppose he gets simultaneous bids on two different sites? Both listings have “buy now/make offer” options.

I kinda’ smell a rat in the woodpile...

I don't see how it is any of your business where a guy advertises his sales

MYOB, and as always Emptor Caveat.

My “business” involves not getting scammed, and a live auction isn’t “advertising”

Sounds like a contradiction when you say buyer beware but don’t ask questions

Maybe you should sit down, before you give yourself an aneurism

Call the internet cops. There is an internet crime in progress. In your post you admit that "maybe legal".... Call your lawyer. File a suit in "no claims" court. For gawd's sake, this is important!

If in doubt you should pass. You know that is best policy, but you take umbrage when it is pointed out for you. Don't risk the money. The deal is not for you. Sir.
Call the internet cops. There is an internet crime in progress. In your post you admit that "maybe legal".... Call your lawyer. File a suit in "no claims" court. For gawd's sake, this is important!

If in doubt you should pass. You know that is best policy, but you take umbrage when it is pointed out for you. Don't risk the money. The deal is not for you. Sir.

Sir, I find your take on skillet's query to be rude and rash. I feel that the nature of your posts trying to fend off the query more of "Back off, its none of your business skillet". Something of this sort. 
... i have a little experience on both sides of this controversy , and it's a legit concern - especially if you know how gunbroker can work out after the selling fees. many time, you read in the ad that this gun is also offered at "intrepid shooting sports" a gunsmith and and gun shop near me - they are also selling the gun for a more retail price at the same time , so they have a fair way to coordinate the offers from different sources at the same time with gunbroker....other ads elsewhere (like the old yellow forum) might say that "this item is also listed on gunbroker, so heads up !" .... but i tried that and it's too much stres and you kinda have to make the reserve too high to keep it even with your ad on any classifieds... airguns arent really bringing the 75-80% resale they were in recent years (not chinese, turkish, or gamos) for quality airguns. buyer's market now... i get some good deals on gun broker, and i like it. sold a working sheridan super grade there within a few days after listing a buy now price a little higher. if youre the kind of guy who gets all cranky after replying "i'll take it" before inquiring , and then over-expecting that yours . consider that many guys dont spend much time around these things and may not respond instantly to sooth our airgun addiction (or to ship out , as in my case - i'm 'slow to ship mentally-challanged' but working on that)... i was doing all of the things i see those going thru with the emotional mountain range we run thru RIGHT AFTER WE HIT THE 'SUBMIT YOUR ORDER' BUTTON.....idk why we put ourselves thru so much when buying airguns......i probably have more satisfaction buying used airguns, anyway, but buying some of these new ones is scary - especially if you cant return or exchange one locally. airguners are very fickle and hard to deal with in general for the most part. ive heard distributors went about how picky and fickle we are....but i went thru all of that too. and guess what ?? my buddy came over and spent about $5K on pcp airguns and accessories from a.g.s of ariz --- no matter how you spend on this sweet adiction , you still bow unto the mighty shipping gods. he went thru that high anxiety of awaiting the brown santa (ups) too eagerly. ..... - paul.

The original post has no indication that Mr Skillet is trying to buy a gun. It simply says "he has gun listed twice" and it is not illegal (really?).

I am not a mind reader, and WTF does AGN care about what is listed elsewhere? AGN does not set the rules for either guntrader or eBay. If the seller gets in a jam, the seller has a problem. That is not AGN purview to sort out.

Simple math is not simple enough for people who worry about things beyond their control. Why fill AGN bandwidth with angst about eBay and guntrader? Walk away, far away from the deal. Life is too short to get worked up about a silly b.b. gun want ad.
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