Santa Delivered a Wildcat

Santa delivered a FX Wildcat including scope mounts, Optisan 37433. But Santa in his haste forgot to check and see if the Optisan mounts would clamp to the Wildcat rail, bummer they don't. Unless I've don't understand how to use. Hoping one of Santa's little helpers out there knows what I'm doing wrong otherwise I'll have send back and ask for a tighter fitting mount.

Additionally when I told Santa what I wanted I mistakenly asked for "medium" height mounts only to find that they are to low for my eye when gun is comfortably shouldered.

Hope all are having a wonderful Christmas not including the ground squirrels of course.

Ok, mounts were not worth sending back, so took a grinder and file to the mounts. You gota love aluminum, so easy to modify. Scope is mounted and hope to start shooting soon. Also ordered "high" mount, "medium" was not as high as I would like. Hopefully new ones will clamp on without modification. Still not sure if the original ones were too wide or that the rail is narrower than it should be. What mounts have you used and did they fit without modification?

Did disassemble and polish the magazine indexer. Not sure anyone could have purposely sharpened that tip any sharper that it came from the factory! Come on guys take a couple minutes an smooth off the tip. Oh well, pick your battles. Known issues, so dealt with straight out. What other known issues are out there which should be addressed sooner rather than later?
Not sure I understand your scope mounting issue. So the rings were too wide at the base to clamp to the gun rail? how would grinding/filing more metal off the ring mounts make them tighter? They would get looser. 
Keep the lower height rings if possible.....I would want the scope centerline as close to the barrel centerline as possible. it will be more accurate at ranges other than the one it is sighted in at, especially up close. You might be able to modify your cheek rest to get your eye lower.
"NeilClague"You need to check the scope position, if you have ground some material off the rings which were made for a wider rail then your scope might be slightly off center, Neil.
^^^^^^ This for sure. Maybe it was Jimmy (CampFussel) Or maybe Linsfreak who wrote a compelling argument with fine data backing the effects of scope-cant. I got a scope level and was pretty surprised. 

Big congrats on a sweet piece of kit too! A wildcat might just be my next purchase. 
Steeve,Mount’s base was too wide. When clamping screws were fully tighten against the mount the clamping portion of the mount would not grab the “11 mm” rail. The mount could easily slide back and forth along the rail.Grinding away some of the width of the base of the mount allowed the clamping plate to squeeze the rail and not just bottom out against the mount.I agree one would like to keep the scope and barrel axis as close as possible, but just not liking how I have to cock my head to get my eye to line up with the scope axis. “Highs” are on order, will see if more comfortable.Looking into an adjustable recoil pad to raise gun relative to shoulder. This might/should help line up a comfortable shoulder and eye height as well as a good gun position.

Poorshot,Only tock 10 minutes to smooth out the indexer. Just removed cheek rests, cover plate (keep an eye on the spring) and indexer. Rubbed some 600 grit paper until edges didn’t want to cut my finger any longer.Not finding a difference in cocking with or without mag.

Neil,One side of mount is fixed, part of the block of aluminum. So grinding didn’t change the center. That said though, since the mount base as too wide and was designed to be centered, the clamp is no longer in a more “normal” position and scope is likely off center. Big picture, only ground away 1 to 1.5 mm.

Dartagna,She’s a 22, like I asked for. Nearly went for the 25 but chose the 22 because smaller and without adding a lot of length, quieter. Now that I have the gun in my hands I can see just how small they are. Another 2 – 3” of a 25 would have been no big deal. Noise level, with no FX extenders (thought it would come with one but it did not) is quieter than my .177 spring by a lot. Oh yah, and mr. cheap wants to shoot the cheaper 22.

Swing360,Yup looking to purchase a level. Will likely go for a rail clamp as opposed to scope clamp version. I want to mount scope lined up with gun, then hold all level when shooting. I have another topic going regarding this.