A lot of coin for a Webley Vulcan with a sawed off barrel and says Beeman Bearcub on it. Congratulations to the seller! You scored. 
You can tune up that trigger yourself and it will be pretty good. Even just backing of the spring pressure with the screw behind the dovetails can bring very good results and the creep is gone. Do this and you might find you have a neat gun. An Air Rifle Headquarters spring kit and seal can improve the snappy cycle. And you don't even need a spring compressorI'm scratching my head here trying to figure out what was so special about this rifle that it went for that type of money....It was in very nice shape, but unless I'm missing something, it wasn't worth anywhere near what it sold for. I have a non beeman marked version (vulcan mk3 carbine) and in all honesty....the rifle kinda sucks! The only reason I bought mine is it looks like a mini kodiak, and I think it looks cool next to my kodiakbut the trigger Is absolutely terrible on the little vulcan.
Beeman fanboys.There I was trying to click the images for alternate views
Why so much?