Scba tanks and portability

I need to purchase a tank to fill my guns in the field. I’m looking for a tank that I could carry with me for a 300cc tank and 4500 max fill pressure on the gun but adjustable to shoot down to 3000 psi or maybe lower for simple plinking with lighter projectiles which is fine with me. Maybe tether with a long fill hose if possible. what size/type tank is pushing it a bit? still possible to be carried in a backpack. 3 L, 6.8 L 9L? Being compact and light is of secondary importance I am guessing 6.8 L is what I am looking for but am not confident

thanks as always for sharing your knowledge. it was like the freaking dark ages when I was shooting air guns in the 70’s and 80’ s - this place is a goldmine of information. Mind boggling really 


well, 3L is about 5X20" and maybe 20lbs ajd goes quite a ways on fills .. im pretty fit and wouldnt want to hike more than a few hundred yards with it .. in a vehicle yeah its perfect size if you dont want to load up a big pile of gear .. bigger than that i wouldnt want to carry around at all, just to a site if i needed more air than tje 3L .. i have a '500cc' bottle i can use for several fills and that works for me for most sitiations i get imto headed to the weeds and whatnot ..
The 3L is 4.5 inches in diameter and 18 inches long and weighs under 5 lbs. So it is a bit taller than my 100ci buddy bottle and less than a pound heavier. 

You also need to remember the valve system will add three or four inches to the height of the bottle. Still my guess is it will be fine in a backpack and not overly heavy if you are wanting to take it on a hike.

The 6.8 is near 8in by 24 inches with out the valve and weighs in at 8.5lb probly just under 10lb with your valve and hose. So it will still fit in some packs and it still is not overly heavy.

Bigger is always better when you are buying a tank as you will not be a happy camper if you continually run out of air.

I used my 100cin bottle for my guns until I got my Impact then I got an 88cf tank cuz I got tired of cutting my shooting sessions short.

Ok this is all helpful. I’m leaning towards the larger tank for the reasons you said. Any ballpark for how many refills (more or less) I might get taking a 300cc tank from 3000 psi to say 4000 psi, if it’s a 3L 4500 psi tank?

I know that the lower the fill pressure on the gun the more refills you can get from the tank but I can’t really imagine how it would work out.

thanks - and clearly I need to get my metric-Imperial unit conversion clear. When I return I will hopefully know how many cubic inches there are in 2L, 3L, and 6.8L
Depends on how you want to fill the tank. Hand pumping? A little 70 or 90 is still a lot of pumping. But doable. Using a compressor? A 30 min might work ok. I carry mine back to the woods. But it’s a handful. If you are using a dive shop. The biggest you can afford to save trips and $$$. Even with my big bores, I find my 90 cc tank works pretty good it it’s not a long shooting session. Do a poor man’s tether by hooking the fill whip to the rifle and crack the valve to top off at your prefered press or. When your tank gets to your prefered pressure, leave the valve open. You can get a lot of shots. Saves a lot of air from bleeding. 
I will fill it myself with a compressor or hand pump if I need the work out I guess. Definitely plan to tether when circumstances permit and especially when testing out modification.

The refill calculator has me thinking a 3L / 183 cubic inch tank would definitely do it, giving me 15 - 28 fills depending on how full I want to fill the gun.

I wonder if the Acecare gauge and fill adapter would screw onto the inexpensive used scba tanks that people have been getting from eBay vendors?

thank you