N/A Schimel chrono >700fps?

I've always noted that my Schimel was unusually loud, so I finally got a chrono and measured it.
Using .22, 14.3gr pellets the chrono reported an average of around 720fps for the first dozen shots.
Fps dropped off rapidly after that (it only gets 15-16 shots per cylinder).

I'm not use to CO2 pistols delivering such high velocity.
Is this normal for Schimel?
The AC500 has about 1 inch hole to shoot through. I doubt that end of the barrel should be very far. I think you doing it right but the results are wrong. I have no idea why.
Yes, it's a small hole. I held the muzzle several feet back and was aiming very carefully not to hit the chrono. Fortunately I've had a lot of practice with the Schimel.
Yes, it's a small hole. I held the muzzle several feet back and was aiming very carefully not to hit the chrono. Fortunately I've had a lot of practice with the Schimel.
Yes, but I don't think that is the way it is meant to be used. I think you do put the muzzle up on the ledge of the hole or just an inch or two away. Mine seems to me giving the right readings.