I really want anyone who recommends and compares any scopes to others to at least own a Nightforce SHV to at least get an idea what the basic minimum of what minimum acceptable clarity means. Then know what to expect. $1000.00-$1400.00 JAPAN Sightron SIII REALLY REALLY REALLY SUCKS ON HIGH MAGNIFICATION PAST 30x!!! $1200 NIGHTFORCE SHV (ENTRY LEVEL JAPAN NIGHTFORCE) SHOULD BE THE MINIMUM. OR EVEN CHEAPER FILIPINO SIGHTRONS ARE BETTER SUCH A SHAME!!! There are SOME RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP SCOPES THAT ARE INDEED UNBELIEVEABLY CLEAR AT ANY PRICE!!! THAT CAN BE PUT HEAD TO HEAD WITH $1000.00-$2000.00 SCOPES. NOT JOKING HERE. UNFORTUNEATELY MOST OTHERS SAY AROUND 95% CANT. UNFORTUNEATELY I HAD TO BUY THEM ALL IN ORDER TO KNOW WHAT I KNOW. RETURNED MANY... WELL MOST... 80% and 10% I missed the deadline to return... Some I kept as ONE or 2 examples only because I liked the reticle and or illuminated even if they were blurry as HELL to me on high magnification because they seem favored by most AIRGUNNERS who haven't yet experienced what I have when looking through PERFECT GLASS. FEW OF The HAWKE SW30s (NOT ALL JUST A COUPLE FEW) are almost as clear as The ALPHA6 ALMOST. 2x-3x the price too. Frontiers and ED are just about neck and neck. Alpha6 looks clearer on higher magnification though. Biggest shock was side by side with the $649 MTC VIPER PRO it was LAUGHABLE. MTC at 20x and up was like WORSE THAN A HUGE LEAPERS SIDE FOCUS. THE ALPHA6 ATE IT FOR BREAKFAST. I HAVE FOUR OF THEM SO IT PROBABLY WASNT A DEFECTIVE SCOPE UNLESS ALL 4 ARE. OH JUST compared the ALPHA6 TO A LEUPOLD 6.5-20x40 EFR TODAY. Be fair 20x on both. PRETTY MUCH NECK AND NECK CLARITY WISE. LEUPOLD JUST HAS A PINCH OF SLIGHTLY BRIGHTER VIEW FROM A ONE INCH TUBE!!! VS 30MM ALPHA6... TO BE CONTINUED...
Yo, you must have gotten a Sightron that was made on second shift Friday night. I have 3 sightrons that are clear up to the full 50X.
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