FWB Scopes on 10 meter rifles

As much as I enjoy shooting iron sights I recently put a scope on my FWB 300 S. Originally I thought I’d just try it for a little while then put the original diopter sight back on. But I’ve learned that it’s a lot more fun to be able to hit tiny targets that I couldn’t even see before with the stock sights. I even moved back to 46 feet, the max I have in my basement. Where I live it’s the only place I have to shoot without going to the club. Makes this wonderfully accurate rifle much more versatile to me.
I love shooting my ten meter rifles with scopes. In fact, just recently I bought a rifle I’ve wanted for a long while. I got a Walther LG400. I shot it for a little while with the aperture sights and then slapped a scope on. The precision is beyond belief. I also have a Crosman Challenger 2021 that I put a scope on. I have shot silhouette targets (just the rams) out to 60 yards. That is so much fun with a 5.5fpe rifle. I see you’ve been splitting cards. I will have to try that next. The Finale Match Heavy is also the pellet that my rifles seem to like best. Great topic for a post. Thanks.
Totally agree, that's why you need two 10m guns......one scoped and one with OEM sights. I demonstrated my 300S RT accuracy to my grown nephew who owns a Crosman 760 by placing a .177 pellet on top of a dried weed stem in his yard and shooting it off with the first shot from 25 long paces away. Try that with an aperture sight!
Lower the rings and it will shoot better..
High rings help keep your face off the butt. My 300s does not like your face on the rifle. Actually none of my air guns or my centerfire bench rifles like face. I have two acquaintances with 300s who say the same thing.
High rings help keep your face off the butt. My 300s does not like your face on the rifle. Actually none of my air guns or my centerfire bench rifles like face. I have two acquaintances with 300s who say the same thing.
Same here. Face pressure is just another variable to screw things up. The only guns I use a solid cheek weld on are two heavy barrel centerfires that I shoot >500 yards.
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I love shooting my ten meter rifles with scopes. In fact, just recently I bought a rifle I’ve wanted for a long while. I got a Walther LG400. I shot it for a little while with the aperture sights and then slapped a scope on. The precision is beyond belief. I also have a Crosman Challenger 2021 that I put a scope on. I have shot silhouette targets (just the rams) out to 60 yards. That is so much fun with a 5.5fpe rifle. I see you’ve been splitting cards. I will have to try that next. The Finale Match Heavy is also the pellet that my rifles seem to like best. Great topic for a post. Thanks.
Feel free to post some pics of that LG Kenny 😁👍
I also wear progressive bifocals and that position seems to work well for me. I like my scoped hunting center fire rifles with high rings also, especially for running game. I follow the running animal head up then when I go to the rifle they are right there in the scope. Just comfortable for how I’m built I guess. With a shotgun though, it’s wood to wood. Slightly different game for me when hitting moving targets.
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As much as I enjoy shooting iron sights I recently put a scope on my FWB 300 S. Originally I thought I’d just try it for a little while then put the original diopter sight back on. But I’ve learned that it’s a lot more fun to be able to hit tiny targets that I couldn’t even see before with the stock sights. I even moved back to 46 feet, the max I have in my basement. Where I live it’s the only place I have to shoot without going to the club. Makes this wonderfully accurate rifle much more versatile to me. View attachment 542030
I had a similar setup and it was great to shoot
These aren't 10m match grade rifles by any stretch of the imagination. Although, all of my vintage Sheridan's are extremely accurate at 10m. Much more so then even the engineers at Sheridan knew they were. And just like the OP I had no idea how accurate until optics were used.

As far as what type of scope; I like Leopold or swift in either fixed or variable. As for mount type: I am partial to a "scout mount" which is tailor made for pumpers.

With all that said I finally had the opportunity to shoot Match grade rifles for the first time a few years back. In my case, several of the Walther LG's. My favorite a LGV DST. I set the trigger where a puff of air can set it off. Perhaps a bid of a stretch although pretty darn close. You fella's shooting these Match rifles are cheating...lol. When compared to my pumpers, these guns pretty much shoot themselves. What a pleasure they are to shoot. Next up (once the weather allows and life doesn't get in the way) I'll try out the giss guns. Looking forward to that.

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Feel free to post some pics of that LG Kenny 😁👍
Hi Steve,
Here are some photos of my new toy. I pulled the scope off a couple days ago to shoot targets for the Casual Match on the Gateway forum so you get to see the factory provided sights in these photos. The two photos of the targets are from when I was using the scope. These are 5 shot groups at ten meters and 20 yards.
These aren't 10m match grade rifles by any stretch of the imagination. Although, all of my vintage Sheridan's are extremely accurate at 10m. Much more so then even the engineers at Sheridan knew they were. And just like the OP I had no idea how accurate until optics were used.

As far as what type of scope; I like Leopold or swift in either fixed or variable. As for mount type: I am partial to a "scout mount" which is tailor made for pumpers.

With all that said I finally had the opportunity to shoot Match grade rifles for the first time a few years back. In my case, several of the Walther LG's. My favorite a LGV DST. I set the trigger where a puff of air can set it off. Perhaps a bid of a stretch although pretty darn close. You fella's shooting these Match rifles are cheating...lol. When compared to my pumpers, these guns pretty much shoot themselves. What a pleasure they are to shoot. Next up (once the weather allows and life doesn't get in the way) I'll try out the giss guns. Looking forward to that.

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Your shooting match rifle groups! That lower rifle has some great lumber!
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