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Search PM's or Conversations

I may have missed it, but is there a way to search PM's or conversations?

For example if I know I had a conversation with someone about a particular subject in the past, could I search my conversations for "HW95" for example, or if I know I purchased from someone in the past but can't remember what the purchase was for, can I search "Michael"?

I may have missed it
Lewis I typed in "Lewis hw95" is search and this came up.

Screenshot_20230604_155551_Samsung Internet.jpg
Ya, it seems you just got to weed through them one by one. Then that gives you a chance to delete unimportant ones to ease the amount ... Of course things i deleted end up the ones i need most the next day .. what are ya going to do , right?

I dont pm much but after awile they backlog a few pages worth.. then its not like search here gets you much to start anyway..