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Seeking advice

I’m a brand new to air gun shooter but not new to bench rest. I bought a king in .30 and immediately converted it to 22 with a superior liner. I have tuned it up with 18.13 gr jsb and it shoots wonderful in low wind conditions. I plan to attend a bench match and need advice on Pellets at 100 yards. I was hoping to not buy and try every damn thing under the sun. Thanks in advance
Most people would say for 100yrd BR use the .30 cal
but if you are determined to use a .22 ...you need to test
some of the .22's are very stable out to 75yrds, but kinda fall apart at 100
There are various thoughts when it comes to speed /wind conditions most like low/slow but all depends on conditions
Have a tune written down for both low and high wind conditions so you have a reference
currently, JTS and AEA brand pellets are more consistent than JSB's
Start to weigh and sort your pellets.
Practice like you shoot your competition
Might not have to buy everything under the sun, but you'll be buying a few
Most people would say for 100yrd BR use the .30 cal
but if you are determined to use a .22 ...you need to test
some of the .22's are very stable out to 75yrds, but kinda fall apart at 100
There are various thoughts when it comes to speed /wind conditions most like low/slow but all depends on conditions
Have a tune written down for both low and high wind conditions so you have a reference
currently, JTS and AEA brand pellets are more consistent than JSB's
Start to weigh and sort your pellets.
Practice like you shoot your competition
Might not have to buy everything under the sun, but you'll be buying a few
Thanks for the advice but if I were to slap the .30 cal parts back in what would be a good pellet to shoot at 100 yrds
Again, you have to try many different pellets to see what your gun likes. Unfortunately, that is the way it goes in the accuracy game. Many pellets will shoot minute of tin can, but few will bore ragged one-hole groups. In 30 cal, some guns like 44s, some like 50's, some like 56's? Experimentation is the only real way to find THE one.
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I am in the minority but most of my guns (none of them are FX) prefer H&N pellets to JSB. My Caiman prefers the Baracuda 18 to JSB and other 18s. It may be the head size. The H&Ns are on the small end, most of mine are 5.50 or 5.51 head size. I think I checked my JSB tin and they were a bit more. But the Caiman does not like the 18,3 grain H&Ns. 18,0, 18.1, 18.2, and 18.4 shoot very well but not 18.3. Actually they are not terrible but I'm shooting 30 yard challenge targets and the 18.3s are about 5 points worse on those targets. I have not tried this gun yet at 100 yards.

I would try the Baracuda 18s but especially the Baracuda Match pellets which are just over 21 grains. I find the Match pellets are more consistent in both weight and head size than the regular Baracudas (or JSBs). My P35-22 really likes the Baracuda Match pellets in either head size. But at 100 yards the best I've done was a little over 2 inch 5 shot groups. It was windy but still I don't think I'd win any matches.

It's hard to say if head size or weight is more important or possibly both are. I had a pretty narrow range of head sizes in the 18s but the Caiman did not seem to care. My P35-22 does not care. But my P35-177 does. The Caiman cares about seemingly minor weight variation but my P35-22 doesn't. I don't know if I've tested the P35-177 for weight variation. I probably should. It likes the H&N Baracuda FTs which are very consistent but it's best score is a 197 so there is some room for improvement. It is very wind sensitive so testing is challenging.

My Caiman X has plenty of power but just doesn't like pellets heavier than 18 grain. But I would start testing the heavy ones in your gun. The BC will be better so they will drift less in the wind. If your gun doesn't like the heavies I would make sure JSB 18s are the best in it and then sort them to see if there are specific weights or head sizes it likes best.