Seeking oldies shooters / former / current users of old FX rifles.


Apr 9, 2021
So today fixing one leak so far, CUZ there seem to be more in my Cyclone.
Well i looked at the PDF from FX and my eyes saw " hammer spring adjuster ", why haven't PPL told me i might be able to tune my old Cyclone ???

Would be nice if i could shoot 20 or maybe 22 grain as the heavy stuff VS the 18 grain that seem to be the heaviest if you want to stay in the high end of +800 FPS

So in a few hours ( rifle with balloon on barrel ATM ) the walnut stock come off, and i start to hardcore look for bubbles in the kitchen sink.

PS. the barrel do not seem to leak, been ballooned up for a hour or so now, the leak was in the fill end of the tube, and it was massive, 150 BAR gone in minutes / you could actually hear it leak.
Well i dunno.

So i fixed fill end leak, and i tested that by submerging pipe in water, not a single bubble.
Then the other end had a leak both at the big O-ring ( 22x 2.5 mm ) but also in the pipe valve, and there is no valve like that in the repair kit, there is one for the shot valve, and i suppose it have the same seat CUZ there is one of those too.

so i cleaned valve and put it together, assuming shot valve behind it sould stop some air too, and it was not massive leaking.
Then i found out in my FX Cyclone REP KIT there is no 22 X 2.5 mm O-ring, so had to get creative with other O-ring from other stuff.

That also fixed the big O-ring leak but the valve still leaked a little, and even worse now the fill end leaked again, and im like WTF it is not even midnight in Denmark and now this Swedish junk is pulling my leg.

So i just put the damn thing back together as i shoot tethered and if the air want it can creep back into my 12 L bottle.
The other leak in the end of the pipe, well with the main body screwed on the pipe, there was no leaking from magazine slot or other places.

So i figure i am ready to shoot my Cyclone again, and order some parts for it, the leaking 22 X 2.5 mm O-ring was crusty alright and broke when i wanted to remove it, it is after all also a 2012 rifle.
So as READY as karma will allow me to be for a dual caliber outing to the range tomorrow and Saturday.

I will probably also have to take a look at my friends Cutlass also leaking, Dunno why he haven't done that himself he had the REP KIT for at least 6 months.
But that's Ok too, i like wrenching, and after all these old guns its not like rocket science.
And if its the same deal, which i assume as the 2 rifles are much the same, well it should not take long.
Ooooo kay.
So browsing the interweb after a hard session of rifle wrenching and internet shopping.

I just by chance learned that my old Cyclone rifle, use the same Hammer weight as for instance my Maverick.

I have heavier hammers for Maverick

SO ! now i will have to pack .22 ammo in my range bag again,CUZ i just gotta try that and see if i can get the 22 grain JTS pellets up to more serious speeds, maybe to where i might just have to get a tin of 25 grain pellets.
Fortunately i did leave my cyclone and its accompanying 200 BAR bottle at my friends place.

O and BTW what the hell was FX thinking making the Cutlass, that spring above the hammer spring adjuster seating into a brass part glued into the stock ( come loose in my friends rifle )
And what the hell are that spring for anyway i wanna know, the rifle function just the same without it.

'OK ill cut FX some slack now, but not really in earnest before they send me a free DRS PRO
I i blew mine off real good, with the 100 BAR in my old steel tank, also doused it in silicon oil.
More power than any shop air gun i ever felt before.

For sure the transfer port adjuster is whacked stuck on high, but it was so before the dip.
Also screwed up the hammer spring adjuster trying to take it out to put in the heavier hammer weight, so i need to replace that, which i assume is a bottle cap remade with some metric thread on the outside, the 5 mm Hex key just ate up the hex hole so it is now round.
There are some goop in the thread but it was fairly easy to break the bond turning the adjuster in, but out, well i got back to the original spot and then met a little resistance and BAM no hex but a round hole.

I will have to buy a new repair kit CUZ the one i have are lacking a lot after having serviced both my own Cyclone and my friends Cutlass,,,,,,, which at least now both hold air for more than a few hours, mine not dropped a BAR in 3 days.
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Okay so i had my Cyclone taken quite a bit apart today, as it turn out its hammer weight is pretty much as heavy as my heaviest brass weight, sadly i do not have a weight to tell what it is for sure.
But i swapped in brass weight anyway.
Looked at the possibility of enlarging transfer port size, like maybe drill the holes in the transfer port adjuster, but compared to the O-rings there done seem to be more to do there.
I am now researching if i could maybe enlarge the transfer port hole in the barrel itself, it look to be a little smaller than the hole in the transfer port.
It actually look smaller than the hole in my Maverick in its factory trim, and that's a 4.5 mm rifle VS 5.5 mm

All the parts looked pretty nice for a +10 year old rifle that have shot several1000 shots, but i still cleaned many surfaces and gave it some new grease here and there.
Before i took it apart i noticed it was still at the 180 BAR it was at when i put it away days ago. :cool:

I was stomped at one time, so after watching a old Ernest video, i had to go to my bathroom to look in the mirror and say hello to stupid.
Will be interesting to see what the chronograph say tomorrow when i fire it up in the living room.
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It would seem my hammer are now a little bit heavier.
In the stock config all cranked up on the adjuster the Cyclone shot the 22 gr dead centers at 880 fps, it is now spitting those out at 930.
Which granted might be a tad fast, but nothing to do but test Old faithful again next time at the range.

The big ? is now that i meddled more with the rifle, will it still hold pressure, just put it in the box with the needle touching the red field on the gauge.
Weather here turned miserable ( rain & wind ), but there might be a range window on Tuesday / Wednesday

PS: I have not touched the barrel port. I could imagine enlarging that would give even more speed.
I think they are doing fine, the Cyclone is a 2012 rifle, and really it have been sitting idle most of the time, so having to grease it up a little after all those years of neglect i think is a small price to pay.
And now it is Jacked up too giving me 41 foot pounds of smacking power with 22 grain pellets, that's a bit more than what it was able to do in its stock form.
Mind you i might have to dial it back, it would suck if all i could shoot with it is 22 grain on MAX transfer port opening, but i am hoping on MED i might be able to sling some 14-15-16-18 grain stuff too.

Will also try pellets in my Two, all i have really tried in that is beasts. so i will bring regular heavies and monster redesigns tomorrow, Epic airguns really tout the CZ barrel as a pellet barrel and not slugs, so eager to see if that hold up, tomorrow look to be a surprising calm day here.

The Cyclone have dropped a few BAR in the past days, but holding up a hell of a lot better than it was before.