Selecting a Scope for HFT - lessons learned

I’m avoiding doing my first thing Sunday morning bookkeeping by answering the below question a friend asked me:

“I was looking at reviews on air gun websites this morning. What scope manufacturer is the most desired for field target competition? Interested in their design and set up”

Begin reading this thread with an old movie lead in called the Twilight Zone:

“Please don’t touch your dial, you are now entering the twilight zone”

I’m sharing the below information as a condensation of my 2 year quest to find the perfect FT scope; so consider this info “percolated lessons” in how “not to” spend your hard earned monies :} i am by no means an authority on the subject... just trial and error lessons.

in HFT we are limited to 16X and can only use the parallax knob – we cannot change magnification or click for holdover / distance valuations. 16 x also needs to be marked on the magnification ring or you have to turn it down to the next lower power – yeah no fudging.

In FT Open class or WFTF (sitting on a bumm bag) they are allowed to click to change their distance holdover points to zero so choosing the right scope is slightly different.

After experiencing a lot of frustrations, spending way too much money, and talking to just about all the high-end scope makers this is what I learned:

  1. There is not A SCOPE in the traditional sense that was made specifically for Field Target / Hunter Field Target at least as the scopes are currently being used. This specifically applies to using the Parallax adjustment feature / knob to range a target to determine its distance. Odd yes? Some where in the history of Field Target someone fat guy sitting on a bucket or laying on his belly in England or wherever, figured out they “could kinda sorta determine distance” using parallax error correction. Well golly gosh darn what the hell was I spending all my money for? This matters because, although 99% of the scopes are not the best choice for FT / HFT they still can work.
  2. Parameters for finding a suitable scope, include
1) the ABILITY TO CLEARLY and crisply FOCUS AT 10 YARDS and out to 65 yards. 9 yards to 70 yards is a bonus if a course is set up wrong.

  1. You must set up a parallax wheel (yourself for your eyes) as each of us have different focal lengths – and if you wear glasses its best to set up a wheel without them and after you range a target, look through your readers to read the information on the wheel = distance and to read your dope chart. If you wear progressive glasses you have to look through them into the scope the same way all the time or errors will occur. But by Avoiding the wearing of glasses during setup and competition it’s easier to achieve the correct repeatable eye box every time we plant our eye behind the scope.
  2. Another challenge is choosing an MOA scope or MIL Dot / MRAD scope? Guess what - It doesn’t really matter as long as it’s what YOU PREFER.
  3. Follow this info with yet another option FFP first focal plane or Second focal plane? Easy (to me) because a FFP scope will maintain the reticle size and holdover points regardless of magnification level from near to far; although you have some hardcore hunter people that insist they need a SFP…, TIS THE SEASON SO - bah humbug.
  4. If shooting a break barrel / springer class, you better by a scope rated for an air rifle because RECOIL is going two ways = death to the reticle. (Hawkes and Athlon scopes are the best in this regards).
  5. If you’re still with me and the coffee isn’t too weak or the tea too strong, we are going to move to the actual starting line of picking a scope.
    I never said money or your budget matters in this game... i leave that up to you.
  6. In HFT we really need a reticle with illumination due to dark woodland lanes and darkly painted targets and that reticle needs to have each holdover point or lines within the scope properly and logically numbered so you do not get lost between reading your dope and applying the information to your holdover point while aiming.
    This is where shooting WFTF is nice or Open Class FT is nice because they get to click / change their elevation, so their point of aim is ALWAYS zero center point; thus they can utilize a scope with NO NUMBERING on the reticle.
    But for us HFT peeps if your scope just has lines or dots within the reticle you WILL make holdover mistakes PERIOD. Old farts have told me this umpteen times and they were right!
    If you get to click for elevation adjustments then by all mean = $BUY$ all means spend the money for the Sightrons 10-50x60 FT scope or the Kahles 10-50x60 FT or a Falcon XTI50 a similar FT dedicated glass…. But in HFT these types of scopes (in my mind) are a waste of money because you can’t utilize them as intended, as in clicking, (awesome scopes – I have several) but a waste of my money because I get lost within the reticles land of dots and dashes and tick marks and thus miss shots.
  7. So I still haven’t answered the question i was asked yet. Well that’s because choosing a scope for FT / HFT means choosing a reticle that works for you. This is where I can save you a LOT of TIME and MONEY because I have acquired almost all of the scopes that people say are “perfect for HFT”. hmmm? Maybe Time for a road trip…. Come to my lair of numerous scope glass and we can get you sitting behind all of the best glass out there for WFTF and HFT and within a short time you will understand what is best for YOU.
  8. Two years after this scope quest began an old guy that bought my Daystate Redwolf electronic gun shared some info with me. This information concerned Sightron’s S-Tac 4-20x50 MILH-4 Reticle, damn another rabbit hole to fall in. - the simple layout of this FFP, Illuminated scopes well numbered reticle works really well in FT and the 16 power magnification point IS marked on the scope! This scope price ranges from $780. To as low as $589 depending on where and when you acquire it. Optics Planet or Midway on Amazon. The same scope also has an MOA option the MOA3 reticle is just as nice BUT if you compare the reticle markings you will quickly see why the MilH-4 would be preferred model # 26016 - S-TAC4-20X50FFPZSIRMH who knows, you may prefer the MOA3 version of this scope, I had TWO of them, but sold both.
  9. If you were to acquire any of the above Sightron scopes, the next challenge is getting a proper parallax wheel made for it because these S-Tac scopes have some gnarly knobs – just recently, Eric of Scope Werks created a magnetic wheel specifically for the S-Tac scope. don’t buy yet because the shape of the wheel is VERY important to getting the greatest space between focal points as then properly marked and displayed on your new wheel – the best wheel for the job is Eric’s eccentric 6” magnetic wheel. So all in you can get a scope for max $790 and a wheel max $160 – so $960 all in where as my fancy Kahles is 3K alone, and my fancy Sightron is 1.5 K and my my nice Athlons are $780 ish. I also like Joe Garlands magnetic scope wheels, BUT JD will tell you up front that he hates the S-TAC line of scopes because the knobs are a fitment nightmare - i dont blame him....
LASTLY - I recently attended an EFT event in Leesburg FL… rules are somewhat different for EFT extreme field target – In EFT you can shoot your .30 as you are allowed to shoot up to 100 ft lbs of energy? at the muzzle. You are also allowed up to use magnification up to 30x and you are allowed to click/change your scopes elevation knob; so you really don’t need a fancy parallax wheel because they give you the distances out to 100 yards… targets are set at 20-100 yards… tougher than it seems. 3” KZ at 100 yards is…… cussing land; especially if you don’t know how to judge the wind. All this EFT stuff is great fun but the number of, and locations of, EFT matches and clubs having targets that can withstand 100 ft lbs of energy are few and far between. Currently in my area there is only FT / HFT with some pistol class HFT and Benchrest thrown in for good measures. My point of sharing the EFT info is simple... in EFT your glass selection / requirements can be very different... don't have to be but....

If you are still with me at this point then you should know that AGN has a few great people who can teach you how to BRACKET using the reticles internal markings MOA or MRAD – to verify your distance, handy if your scopes ranging info doesn’t agree with your shot placement – aka you aren’t ranging correctly. Recently someone started a thread on this specific subject.

Feel free to jump in and add or correct me where necessary... i certainly need all the coaching i can get just like all the othe newbies to the wonderful world of field target bliss. If you aren't learning well... your not doing it right.

“We will now return you to your regular programming”.
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I’m avoiding doing my first thing Sunday morning bookkeeping by answering the below question a friend asked me:

“I was looking at reviews on air gun websites this morning. What scope manufacturer is the most desired for field target competition? Interested in their design and set up”

Begin reading this thread with an old movie lead in called the Twilight Zone:

“Please don’t touch your dial, you are now entering the twilight zone”

I’m sharing the below information as a condensation of my 2 year quest to find the perfect FT scope; so consider this info “percolated lessons” in how “not to” spend your hard earned monies :} i am by no means an authority on the subject... just trial and error lessons.

in HFT we are limited to 16X and can only use the parallax knob – we cannot change magnification or click for holdover / distance valuations. 16 x also needs to be marked on the mag wheel or you have to turn it down to the next lower power – yeah no fudging.

In FT Open class or WFTF (sitting on a bumm bag) they are allowed to click to change their distance holdover points to zero so choosing the right scope is slightly different.

After experiencing a lot of frustrations, spending way too much money, and talking to just about all the high-end scope makers this is what I learned:

  1. There is not A SCOPE in the traditional sense that was made specifically for Field Target / Hunter Field Target at least as the scopes are currently being used. This specifically applies to using the Parallax adjustment feature / knob to range a target to determine its distance. Odd yes? Some where in the history of Field Target someone fat guy sitting on a bucket or laying on his belly in England or wherever, figured out they “could kinda sorta determine distance” using parallax error correction. Well golly gosh darn what the hell was I spending all my money for? This matters because, although 99% of the scopes are not the best choice for FT / HFT they still can work.
  2. Parameters for finding a suitable scope, include
1) the ABILITY TO CLEARLY and crisply FOCUS AT 10 YARDS and out to 65 yards. 9 yards to 70 yards is a bonus if a course is set up wrong.

  1. You must set up a parallax wheel (yourself for your eyes) as each of us have different focal lengths – and if you wear glasses its best to set up a wheel without them and after you range a target, look through your readers to read the information on the wheel = distance and to read your dope chart. Avoiding the wearing of glasses during setup and field application helps us achieve the correct repeatable eye box every time we plant our eye behind the scope.
  2. Another challenge is choosing an MOA scope or MIL Dot / MRAD scope? Guess what - It doesn’t really matter as long as it’s what YOU PREFER.
  3. Follow this info with yet another option FFP first focal plane or Second focal plane? Easy (to me) because a FFP scope will maintain the reticle size and holdover valuations from near to far, although you have some hardcore hunter people that insist they need a SFP…, TIS THE SEASON SO - bah humbug.
  4. If shooting a break barrel / springer class, you better by a scope rated for an air rifle because RECOIL is going two ways = death to the reticle. (Hawkes scopes are the best in this regards).
  5. If your still with me and the coffee isn’t too weak or the tea too strong, we are going to move to the actual starting line of picking a scope. I never said money or your budget matters in this game... i leave that up to you.
  6. In HFT we really need a reticle with illumination due to dark woodland lanes and that reticle needs to have each holdover point or lines within the scope properly and logically numbered so you do not get lost between reading your dope and applying the information to your holdover point while aiming. This is where shooting WFTF is nice or Open Class FT is nice because they get to click / change their elevation, so their point of aim is ALWAYS zero center point; thus they can utilize a scope with NO NUMBERING on the reticle. But for us HFT peeps if your scope just has lines or dots within the reticle you WILL make holdover mistakes PERIOD. Old farts have told me this umpteen times and they were right! If you get to click for elevation adjustments then by all mean = $BUY$ all means spend the money for the Sightrons 10-50x60 FT scope or the Kahles 10-50x60 FT or a Falcon XTI50 a similar FT dedicated glass…. But in HFT these types of scopes (in my mind) are a waste of money because you can’t utilize them as intended, as in clicking, (awesome scopes – I have several) but a waste of my money because I get lost within the reticles land of dots and dashes and tick marks and thus miss shots.
  7. So I still haven’t answered the question i was asked yet. Well that’s because choosing a scope for FT / HFT means choosing a reticle that works for you. This is where I can save you a LOT of TIME and MONEY because I have acquired almost all of the scopes that people say are “perfect for HFT”. hmmm? Time for a road trip…. Come to my lair of numerous scope glass and we can get you sitting behind all of the best glass out there for WFTF and HFT and within a short time you will understand what is best for YOU.
  8. Two years after this scope quest began an old guy that bought my Daystate Redwolf electronic gun shared some info with me. This information concerned Sightron’s S-Tac 4-20x50 MILH-4 Reticle, damn another rabbit hole to fall in. - the simple layout of this FFP, Illuminated scopes well numbered reticle works really well in FT and the 16 power magnification point IS marked on the scope! This scope price ranges from $780. To as low as $589 depending on where and when you acquire it. Optics Planet or Midway on Amazon. The same scope also has an MOA option the MOA3 reticle is just as nice BUT if you compare the reticle markings you will quickly see why the MilH-4 would be preferred model # 26016 - S-TAC4-20X50FFPZSIRMH who knows, you may prefer the MOA3 version of this scope, I have TWO of them, yep 2, brand newish in their boxes if you do.
  9. If you were to acquire any of the above Sightron scopes, the next challenge is getting a proper parallax wheel made for it because these S-Tac scopes have some gnarly knobs – just recently, Eric of Scope Werks created a magnetic wheel specifically for the S-Tac scope. don’t buy yet because the shape of the wheel is VERY important to getting the greatest space between focal points as then properly marked and displayed on your new wheel – the best wheel for the job is Eric’s eccentric 6” magnetic wheel. So all in you can get a scope for max $790 and a wheel max $160 – so $960 all in where as my fancy Kahles is 3K alone, and my fancy Sightron is 1.5 K and my my nice Athlons are $780 ish. I also like Joe Garlands magnetic scope wheels, BUT JD will tell you up front that he hates the S-TAC line of scopes because the knobs are a fitment nightmare - i dont blame him....

LASTLY - I recently attended an EFT event in Leesburg FL… rules are somewhat different for EFT extreme field target – In EFT you can shoot your .30 as you are allowed to shoot up to 100 ft lbs of energy? at the muzzle. You are also allowed up to use magnification up to 34 x and you are allowed to click/change your scopes elevation knob; so you really don’t need a fancy parallax wheel because they give you the distances out to 100 yards… targets are set at 20-100 yards… tougher than it seems. 3” KZ at 100 yards is…… cussing land; especially if you don’t know how to judge the wind. All this EFT stuff is great fun but the number of, and locations of, EFT matches and clubs having targets that can withstand 100 ft lbs of energy are few and far between. Currently in my area there is only FT / HFT with some pistol class HFT and Benchrest thrown in for good measures. My point of sharing the EFT info is simple... in EFT your glass selection / requirements can be very different... don't have to be but....

If you are still with me at this point then you should know that AGN has a few great people who can teach you how to BRACKET using the reticles internal markings MOA or MRAD – to verify your distance, handy if your scopes info doesn’t agree with your shot placement – aka you aren’t ranging correctly. Recently someone started a thread on this specific subject.

Feel free to jump in and add or correct me where necessary... i certainly need all the coaching i can get just like all the othe newbies to the wonderful world of field target bliss. If you aren't learning well... your not doing it right.

“We will now return you to your regular programming”.
Mr. Cave
I hear and feel your frustrations.
You are probably right. There isn't a "perfect" scope for HFT as played in the USA.

Just do the best you can and have fun. Look at the top shooters and what equipment and/or techniques they are using to overcome some of these limitations.

I think part of the fun for some is finding a workaround for these issues.

Failing that, give WFTF a twirl or open...Any magnification you want. Click all you want. Gigantic side wheels if that's your thing. It is really much easier to range find at 50X versus 16X ...LOL.

Pssst...WFTF...I'll see you in Arizona in November 2024 WFTC
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This issue with ranging at the lower 12X ( 2017 season & prior ) to todays 16X in the Hunter class has been the bane of many a FT shooter !!!
For the last 8 seasons there has been just ONE SCOPE for me while shooting the hunter class. Having tried nearly a dozen or so in this time frame looking to find something better :rolleyes: that search to date has yet to materialize in finding one, two or anything that does better for my eyes than the now Vintage & obsolete MTC/OPTISAN Vipers w/ SCB reticle. ( they made a 3-12x50, 4-16x50, 6-24x50, 8-32x56 as I recall ) I still own One 3-12, Three 4-16, One 8-32 all having FT duty nautilus or elliptical parrilax wheels fitted.

It absolutely is paramount if serious about FT one finds a scope that snaps in/out 15y to 10y, yet can still tell 45 from 50 or 55Y :unsure:
Mr. Cave
I hear and feel your frustration.
You are probably right. There isn't a "perfect" scope for HFT as played in the USA.

Just do the best you can and have fun. Look at the top shooters and what equipment and/or techniques they are using to overcome some of these limitations.

I think part of the fun for some is finding a workaround for these issue.

Failing that, give WFTF a twirl or open...Any magnification you want. Click all you want. Gigantic side wheels if that's your thing. It is really much easier to range find at 50X versus 16X ...LOL.

Pssst...WFTF...I'll see you in Arizona in November 2024 WFTC
I’m putting it on my calendar but I’ll have to practice getting up and down off a bumm bag 🫤
This issue with ranging at the lower 12X ( 2017 season & prior ) to todays 16X in the Hunter class has been the bane of many a FT shooter !!!
For the last 8 seasons there has been just ONE SCOPE for me while shooting the hunter class. Having tried nearly a dozen or so in this time frame looking to find something better :rolleyes: that search to date has yet to materialize in finding one, two or anything that does better for my eyes than the now Vintage & obsolete MTC/OPTISAN Vipers w/ SCB reticle. ( they made a 3-12x50, 4-16x50, 6-24x50, 8-32x56 as I recall ) I still own One 3-12, Three 4-16, One 8-32 all having FT duty nautilus or elliptical parrilax wheels fitted.

It absolutely is paramount if serious about FT one finds a scope that snaps in/out 15y to 10y, yet can still tell 45 from 50 or 55Y :unsure:
I own several Optisan Viper scopes. I use the 10X44 for HFT.
Also have the 4-16X50, the 6-24x56 and the 8-32X60. There is also a 3-12X44 wich I would like to own. Think that the 10X44 and the 6-24x56 are the best. But I like them all. The 10X44 I own twice.
I like Sightron, have been using them since before there was ever a notion of making the big 10-50X60 field target exclusive scope. But, I only bought the Japanese made big sky SII's, except for one SIII fixed 20 power with a mill hash reticle that
I had a 6-24X42 Big sky for target shooting that had a dot reticle, and if it would've had a hold over reticle I would've kept it, because the glass was excellent.
Then I bought two 4-16X42 big sky SII's with a mill dot reticle, and still have one on my 97K, not the best HFT reticle but it can work, and the glass is excellent. I've never tried the Philippine made Sightron so I can't speak about those, although I did look at the S-Tac's
but I read bad reviews on them so I backed
I went with the Athlon Midas Tac 6-24X50 mainly because of the reticle, and I saw it used on winning guns, looking at HFT results. I don't like that it's made in China, but, so far it's working good and holding zero on my prosport. Time will tell how it does, it's still new to me and I'm getting used to it, I do shoot and range with my glasses, and I'm getting better at it. I despise wearing glasses but it's a fact of life after I do have to get my eye in the exact same position so the reticle will be really focused and clear in order for the shots to group well, if not then they go where they want.😂 Just a little something extra when you're trying to trouble shoot a scope.
I hope your S-Tac works out for you and would like to hear your experience with it after you've used it for some time and figured it out.
In the future I would like to see a Japanese made Sightron, say a 6-24X50 with a reticle like the Athlon or similar for Field target for the HFT crowd, because we don't need a 4lb hubble scope for shooting off the cross sticks.
I like Sightron, have been using them since before there was ever a notion of making the big 10-50X60 field target exclusive scope. But, I only bought the Japanese made big sky SII's, except for one SIII fixed 20 power with a mill hash reticle that
I had a 6-24X42 Big sky for target shooting that had a dot reticle, and if it would've had a hold over reticle I would've kept it, because the glass was excellent.
Then I bought two 4-16X42 big sky SII's with a mill dot reticle, and still have one on my 97K, not the best HFT reticle but it can work, and the glass is excellent. I've never tried the Philippine made Sightron so I can't speak about those, although I did look at the S-Tac's
but I read bad reviews on them so I backed
I went with the Athlon Midas Tac 6-24X50 mainly because of the reticle, and I saw it used on winning guns, looking at HFT results. I don't like that it's made in China, but, so far it's working good and holding zero on my prosport. Time will tell how it does, it's still new to me and I'm getting used to it, I do shoot and range with my glasses, and I'm getting better at it. I despise wearing glasses but it's a fact of life after I do have to get my eye in the exact same position so the reticle will be really focused and clear in order for the shots to group well, if not then they go where they want.😂 Just a little something extra when you're trying to trouble shoot a scope.
I hope your S-Tac works out for you and would like to hear your experience with it after you've used it for some time and figured it out.
In the future I would like to see a Japanese made Sightron, say a 6-24X50 with a reticle like the Athlon or similar for Field target for the HFT crowd, because we don't need a 4lb hubble scope for shooting off the cross sticks.
After much todo and trying to set up my Hft scope with and without wearing glasses, I decided to wear glasses but bought BIG non progressive glasses with a reader feature low in the eyebox.
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After much todo I discovered it was better to set everything up without glasses and only use my glasses to read my dope
Yeah, I tried that and hated it, too much bumble farting around and awkward. So I buckled down and got serious about shooting with glasses and now I don't really think about shooting without them.
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Yeah, I tried that and hated it, too much bumble farting around and awkward. So I buckled down and got serious about shooting with glasses and now I don't really think about shooting without them.
Time to revisit and revive this ol thread.
My primary HFT rigs are sporting Sightrons SIII, my HFT pistols are rocking Sightrons S-Tac 4-20x50’s. Although both scope choices could use more reticle numbers I’ve developed an intuitive sense of where those holdovers are-after a LOT of practice.
I also am practicing with Athlon’s SPR 6-24x56 Helos and Heras 6-24x56 line up of scopes; they range pretty well and repeatedly and the 1/10 mil reticles are a huge plus as I like the extra numbers and markings on the reticles. The Element Titan 3-18x50 mrad has 270 degrees of separation from 9 yards to 60 yards but is not as repeatable as the Sightrons or Athlons mentioned above. I have, of course, played with Sightrons newest FT scope the S6 but it is a waste of money for an HFT setup at 16 X, but damn it’s amazing glass!
I just bought a Gen2 SI to use as a general scope on my 97K. I've never had a SI, made in the Philippines scope, so I thought I would try one. I haven't mounted it yet, but just looking thru it, it looks like pretty good glass for the money, and it has plenty of hold over lines in the reticle.



I have the Athlon Midas Tac 6-24X50 mounted on my prosport if I ever want to shoot a FT match again. It ranges really well compared to what I've used in the past. I have a 5" side wheel on it, and I have it marked from 9 yards to Yes I was shooting groups at 100, best was about 1.0".
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I just bought a Gen2 SI to use as a general scope on my 97K. I've never had a SI, made in the Philippines scope, so I thought I would try one. I haven't mounted it yet, but just looking thru it, it looks like pretty good glass for the money, and it has plenty of hold over lines in the reticle.
View attachment 521980
View attachment 521981
View attachment 521982
I have the Athlon Midas Tac 6-24X50 mounted on my prosport if I ever want to shoot a FT match again. It ranges really well compared to what I've used in the past. I have a 5" side wheel on it, and I have it marked from 9 yards to Yes I was shooting groups at 100, best was about 1.0".
My brain needs numbers on the reticle as I get lost with just dots or hash marks.

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Great summary Cavedweller. You are spot on about the reticle. I have found the Athlon Heras with the mil reticle to be the best for my eyes. I use the 6-24x56 for my Wolverine and the 2-12x42 is perfect for my @Airgunrevisons HFT pistol and is only $250 at Optics Planet.
same scope i have on the same pistoli.
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My brain needs numbers on the reticle as I get lost with just dots or hash marks.

View attachment 522054
@cavedweller Numbers make a huge difference for DOPE. They are also great reference points for scenarios where you only have seconds to make a decision to take a shot whether that’s between wind gusts or the time that an animal pauses in a clearing in less than ideal lighting.
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Any thoughts from the experts regarding the Athlon Helos BTR Gen2 in 2-12x? I realize its not the best option for FT but I will be using this rifle for actual hunting as well, and really would like the 2x low power.

Matter of fact I just mounted two of them, one on one of my four Hft pistols and one on my marauder walk about prod.
Pretty cool reticles and I really liked the clarity of the glass and the compact design!
I’m hoping to spend some quality time with them tomorrow creating some dope from 10-35 yards on my BRK atomic - which reticle are you considering?
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Matter of fact I just mounted two of them, one on one of my four Hft pistols and one on my marauder walk about prod.
Pretty cool reticles and I really liked the clarity of the glass and the compact design!
I’m hoping to spend some quality time with them tomorrow creating some dope from 10-35 yards on my BRK atomic - which reticle are you considering?
Wow thats great news for me, some out-sourced scope reviewing. lol

I was planning to try the MIL version AHMR2 reticle.
Matter of fact I just mounted two of them, one on one of my four Hft pistols and one on my marauder walk about prod.
Pretty cool reticles and I really liked the clarity of the glass and the compact design!
I’m hoping to spend some quality time with them tomorrow creating some dope from 10-35 yards on my BRK atomic - which reticle are you considering?
How does the Helos compare to the Heras in 2-12X?
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