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Sept NRL22 Match at ASC (now official)

Well, we have officially signed up with the NRL, so now our monthly NRL22 matches are legit. The September course of fire will be shot at the Arlington Sportsman's Club in Mansfield TX on Sunday, September 15th. Shooter's meeting will start at 10, the gate will be open by 9 for zeroing. The match will be held on Range C.

The match is open to all shooters, you don't need to be a member of the club or an NRL member to shoot. COF will be the Sept 24 NRL22 COF with one bonus stage, so around 75 rounds or so. Targets will be 40 to 100 yards. You can check the NRL website (nrl22.com) for rules and to download the course of fire. I will have an air tank available, we are air rifle friendly.

And this may be important to some people, we do have nice bathrooms with running water just a few steps from the range. That makes us one of the most lady-friendly matches in Texas! Also good for anyone else that sits down to go tink-tink (Jeff Cloud).

Price is $10 for club members, $15 for everyone else.
Please note that it is a club rule that all shooters wear appropriate EYE protection. We don't have extras so remember to bring your own.

PM me if you have any questions. There is no need to pre-register or RSVP, just show up if you want to shoot and don't if you don't.


It is a good thing, but not sure what it really adds to the club. You will be able to track your position against everyone else, and I am sure more.
The main motivations for going official are to try to attract new shooters to the PRS format and to give some shooters (mostly me) a better path to Nationals. Also, another local club is going to start doing NRL matches and we are talking about turning it into a series. I still prefer PRS matches but we don't have that option at our club so this is the next best thing. One big advantage of NRL over PRS is that they are much more air rifle friendly. I've had a few of our FT shooters come to these matches and I'm hoping to get even more air rifle participation.
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