It appears the heat of summer, delayed or postponed outside work has caught up with a lot of our typically present crew !! That further compounded by a late season Gran Prix match on the same weekend having 6 more of our regulars up in Ashland OR for said event.
This left us with 11 shooters present for our September match & in No Way did that damp our enthusiasm for a Fun & Challenging club match !!
Chris & Scott on site a tad before 7 and tad after 7 getting after the course set up, and having it 3/4's done by the time the next car drives in being done with the 14 lanes inside @ 35-40 minuets.
Todays match had a Twist .. That by the time we finished had mixed feeling about it, tho mostly positive.
* We had set out 3 full KZ 2" bell targets out on the @ 53/55 yard line having 1 each on lanes THREE, SIX & NINE. These were declared as a mandatory extra shot on these 2 lanes with the applied scoring rule as:
Take 2 shots at each, A HIT on the Bell target scores 2 Points, A Miss scores a Negative 2 Points This in the simplest terms was hit 1st miss second a ZERO, Hit Bell BOTH times you gained 4 points
in addition to the 2 knock down targets score ( 8 possible points on these lanes ) Or the bad way it ended for many being especially the low power or spring shooters was MISSING BOTH shots on the bells getting a negative 4 that wiped out any previous hits & score on the 2 previous knock down targets in the lane yielding a entire lane ZERO ... OUCH !!!
Fun yes, score Number counters not so much ... Challenging ABSOLUTELY !!
Todays match knowing our shooter numbers were much reduced we opted out on providing our typical lunch & extras, everyone got a 1/2 price match fee to compensate.
MATCH RESULTS by Class, Name & Score ( The Zero or +4 or - 4 in the totals ) ( Noted behind score as to lane 3/6/9 results ) XX/56 + extra shots
WFTF Piston
AJ C 32 ( -4/-4/0 )
Hunter Piston
Frank W 14 ( -4/0/-4 )
Lonnie S 45 ( -4/+4/+4 )
Hunter PCP
Chris K 58 ( +4/+4/0 )
Cameron W 57 ( +4/0/0 )
Scott S 54 ( 0/+4/0 )
Zack L 53 ( 0/0/+4 )
Conrad R 49 ( 0/0/+4 )
Erick S 47 ( 0/0/+4 )
Larry G 42 ( -4/0/+4 )
Bill C 39 ( -4/0/+4 )
It was noticed by many how quiet everyone was today & not the typical giggling and laughing but more serious ... Interesting ? None the less all stated it was a great match, challenging course and fun. Our top shooters continue to set the bar pretty high which will continue to make for a more refined course set up in the future to have something for everyone.
Yea the IONE breeze was there from the start & steadily increased threw out the morning and even did a direction switch on us. So continues the lessons to be learned in shooting in the wind.
We cleaned up, packed up and most were gone by 1:00 or so with 2 of us staying around till @ 3:00 shooting OR should we say ATTEMPTING to shoot 50 & 75 yards in a pretty good breeze with there higher power .22 PCP's.
Thats it guys ... Another one on the books for 2024 !! Thank you to those that made it out & Don't hate the MD for a Fun / Not so Fun lay out & scoring. It is a Club FUN MATCH after all.
Scott Schneider
SVFTC Match Director
Make note and Mark your Calendars for OCTOBER 27th which is the LAST Field Target Club match of 2024 !!
For those who enter & shoot this match ... We Will Have A Seasons End ... SWAP MEET
So gather up your gear that others can use, put some $$ away for this swap meet and we'll see you all in October !!
Thank you
This left us with 11 shooters present for our September match & in No Way did that damp our enthusiasm for a Fun & Challenging club match !!
Chris & Scott on site a tad before 7 and tad after 7 getting after the course set up, and having it 3/4's done by the time the next car drives in being done with the 14 lanes inside @ 35-40 minuets.
Todays match had a Twist .. That by the time we finished had mixed feeling about it, tho mostly positive.
* We had set out 3 full KZ 2" bell targets out on the @ 53/55 yard line having 1 each on lanes THREE, SIX & NINE. These were declared as a mandatory extra shot on these 2 lanes with the applied scoring rule as:
Take 2 shots at each, A HIT on the Bell target scores 2 Points, A Miss scores a Negative 2 Points This in the simplest terms was hit 1st miss second a ZERO, Hit Bell BOTH times you gained 4 points

Fun yes, score Number counters not so much ... Challenging ABSOLUTELY !!
Todays match knowing our shooter numbers were much reduced we opted out on providing our typical lunch & extras, everyone got a 1/2 price match fee to compensate.
MATCH RESULTS by Class, Name & Score ( The Zero or +4 or - 4 in the totals ) ( Noted behind score as to lane 3/6/9 results ) XX/56 + extra shots
WFTF Piston
AJ C 32 ( -4/-4/0 )
Hunter Piston
Frank W 14 ( -4/0/-4 )
Lonnie S 45 ( -4/+4/+4 )
Hunter PCP
Chris K 58 ( +4/+4/0 )
Cameron W 57 ( +4/0/0 )
Scott S 54 ( 0/+4/0 )
Zack L 53 ( 0/0/+4 )
Conrad R 49 ( 0/0/+4 )
Erick S 47 ( 0/0/+4 )
Larry G 42 ( -4/0/+4 )
Bill C 39 ( -4/0/+4 )
It was noticed by many how quiet everyone was today & not the typical giggling and laughing but more serious ... Interesting ? None the less all stated it was a great match, challenging course and fun. Our top shooters continue to set the bar pretty high which will continue to make for a more refined course set up in the future to have something for everyone.
Yea the IONE breeze was there from the start & steadily increased threw out the morning and even did a direction switch on us. So continues the lessons to be learned in shooting in the wind.
We cleaned up, packed up and most were gone by 1:00 or so with 2 of us staying around till @ 3:00 shooting OR should we say ATTEMPTING to shoot 50 & 75 yards in a pretty good breeze with there higher power .22 PCP's.
Thats it guys ... Another one on the books for 2024 !! Thank you to those that made it out & Don't hate the MD for a Fun / Not so Fun lay out & scoring. It is a Club FUN MATCH after all.
Scott Schneider
SVFTC Match Director
Make note and Mark your Calendars for OCTOBER 27th which is the LAST Field Target Club match of 2024 !!
For those who enter & shoot this match ... We Will Have A Seasons End ... SWAP MEET
So gather up your gear that others can use, put some $$ away for this swap meet and we'll see you all in October !!
Thank you

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