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September TEXtreme EFT Match(es) Announcement/SCHEDULE CHANGE


Something has come up the first weekend of September that compels me to reschedule our next TEXtreme Field Target weekend to the SECOND weekend of September, the 14th & 15th. Apologies to anyone that change inconveniences; more-so anyone it denies an opportunity for excellent trigger time and camaraderie.

So weather permitting, the next TEXtreme Rifle EFT match is Saturday, September 14; the Pistol EFT match on Sunday, the 15th. This not being one of the two largest annual TEXtreme event weekends, the prize list consists of $450 in Airguns Of Arizona gift certificates. Distribution goes like this- $150 to the Rifle Match winner, $100 to Rifle Second Place, $50 to Rifle Third Place, $100 to the Pistol Match Winner and $50 to Pistol Second Place. There will also be Match Winner hat-pins for divisions or classes with at least four (like) entrants. Perhaps more prizes if I can dream up, beg, borrow, or (more likely) STEAL more. I’m SOOOO good to y’all!

I know what you’re thinking- “WTF… that ain’t much!” But ‘much’ being a relative term, you’re wrong! And right! So at this point it bears repeating (again) something I never say (except always)- there’s a method to my madness(es)! 🤪

Example- Not having heard a response from last season’s secondary (to Airguns Of Arizona) sponsor of the 2023 TEXtreme Field Target STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS weekend, having given them a generous deadline to respond about the 2024 STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS sponsorship-support opportunity, I’m hedging my bets by short-changing the September TFT weekend AoA gift certificates prize list in order to shift more winnings to the December State Championships in case aforementioned possible secondary 2024 STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS sponsor declines the opportunity. Hence, either way y’all will still enjoy an excellent 2024 TEXtreme Field Target STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS prize list ($$$).

But should said potential secondary sponsor accept the opportunity to (again) support the (2024) STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS, that prize list will improve from excellent (regardless), to outstanding. Hey, I ain’t (always) as dumb🥴 as I (always) look! :unsure:

And contrary to common-knowledge opinion your favorite match director is too old… correction, too ANCIENT to learn new tricks, the September 14 and 15 TEXtreme TFT matches will both start shortly after their 10 AM shooters meetings. The practice/sight-in range will open at 8 AM both days.

Entry/registration in the September TEXtreme FT matches is by on-site purchase of score-cards. One card is $30, two cards per single shooter are $50. There being worthwhile prizes, shooters may shoot only one gun per match; a rifle in the rifle match, and/or a pistol in the pistol match.

See y’all the second weekend of September!

Ron & Maggyy

P.S.- More pertinent information attached includes TEXtreme Rifle and Pistol rules sets, and a map of the area around the Ranchito Robinson/TEXtreme Airgun Sports Airgun Competitions Global Headquarters Shooting Venue.


View attachment 24 TEXtreme Rifle Rules pdf.pdf

View attachment 2024 TPFT Rules pdf.pdf

View attachment RR to CTRPC pdf.pdf
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weather permitting, the next TEXtreme Rifle EFT match is Saturday, September 14; the Pistol EFT match on Sunday, the 15th.

As I compose this update it appears we've broken the hotter'n hell weather pattern that so defines many TEXtreme events🥵, so keeping my fingers crossed🤞 for nice weather this-coming weekend for what's shaping up to be a well-attended FT shoot-fest. I've not heard any 'won't be able to make its'; only 'looking forward to its'.

That includes the reigning U.S. National and Texas State Extreme Field Target champion(y), the most consistently successful/dominant competitor in TEXtreme Airgun Sports history👾, the most enthusiastic FT couple in Texas👫(y)(y), and everyone else volunteering attendance feedback. Looking forward to seeing Y'all!

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