Congrats on the impact!
As a starting point, I’d shot the gun with the factory tune for a bit unless it’s completely off. You want to let the gun settle before messing with it and maybe the factory tune is fine (for now

If not (or you can’t leave it alone), here’s what I would do:
You probably want to shoot the 25gr anywhere between 880 and 925ish. Here’s how you tune an impact:
Set macro wheel to 16
Set micro adjuster to 5
Since you’re new to this: NEVER adjust micro or macro while the gun is cocked. Seriously. Never.
Open valve adjuster up to line six (basically screw it out two there turns further than the fourth line).
Now shoot over chrony. Increase reg pressure 5 bar at a time until you reach 940fps. NEVER adjust reg downwards while the fun is aired up. Going higher with air in the gun is fine, down not.
Now you adjust the micro down, 5-10 clicks at a time until your reach 915fps. When you get close to 915 do less than 5 clicks at a time (say 2 clicks at 925). Once at 915 leave micro alone and start adjusting the valve back in half turns only. At some point you velocity will drop, turn the valve back open a quarter turn and so forth until you find the point where you juuuust don’t loose speed and are still at 915 but a hair more and you’ll lose. Now you start shooting groups at 915, adjust micro 2 clicks down or so and shoot 910 and so forth to see which speed gives you the best groups. Once you know what speed your going for, adjust micro 2-3 clicks up so that you’re 5-10 fps above your target speed and close the valve 1/16th turn or even less a time to go back down to target speed. Voila, your impact is tuned. Take at least 5 shots after EVERY adjustment and ignore the first 2-3 shots in terms of speed, springs need a couple of cycles to settle.