Sexy Rexy aka Reximex RP...😡😁😩 Chrono #s

Alas she lured me with her sexiness, but she couldn't perform. I spent in inordinate amount of time sighting her in at 9 yards! She grouped really well, just not in the same place. Cleaned the barrel, switched out scopes, cleaned the barrel again. Still she would not group at last POA/POI. Groups great, just not in the same place. I pulled out my 1701p to see if it was me, at the same distance (9 yards) pellet on pellet with the 1701p. Giles gave it a great review and so did Airgun Bros. Definitely will be disregarding them going forward. Now to see how Aceros de Hispania and/or Reximex handle my situation. As I want a refund on this lemon or limon. Will chrono over the weekend to confirm numbers. But at the moment? Fellow AGN brethren beware!


she is shooting 90 FPS less than the 550 FPS advertised with the JSB Exact Jumbo 18s. Do any of you think that turning up the regulator will get me that added speed and more consistency. I will post up pics of what I'm seeing in the wandering groups.
I’m not sure I understand what you mean when you say it groups well just not in the same place? Are you saying it groups in a different place from one fill to another or is it grouping in a different place from one day to the next? Could it be something with the stock perhaps? I’m wondering if it could be something to do with having the scope mounted to the shroud in the front and the receiver in the back. I know the shroud is removable and not anchored to the receiver so if the shroud got lose I can see a potential for some poi issues. Have you tried to shoot it as just a pistol to see if it does the same thing? Sorry lots of questions. I was really rooting for this cool looking pistol to be honest.
Sure would be nice to pinpoint the cause before we throw out the baby with the bath water over one bad (maybe) example. 😕 
@milehighairgunner, it groups in different places from one mag to the next. Meaning I get a group, then I move that group to my zero by shooting five more. Then after establishing that zero and loading a new mag the POA is not the POI for subsequent shots. The shroud is held on to the barrel with two set screws. The rear screws onto a flat on the barrel the front onto the barrel itself. That in itself puts pressure on the barrel. The breech area of the barrel is held into the receiver with two set screws onto flats. I checked everything for snugness and shot it, same issue. I then loosened the two set screws on the shroud and shot it with only the moderator and the scope mounts tensioning the shroud, same issue. Switched scopes, same issue with four different pellets. The barrel mount into the receiver is solid, the choke on this barrel feels awfully tight when pulling patches through. I have pulled at least 50 ballistol soaked patches through this barrel to no avail. I can see if I was trying to group at 25-30 yards, but 9 yards?! I had high expectations for this thing, alas. Shot my 1701p using same scope, same distance, ragged one hole groups, POA=POI. The RP I've received is not ready for prime time. I couldn't do a rat the disservice of shooting at it with this thing.
Alas she lured me with her sexiness, but she couldn't perform. I spent in inordinate amount of time sighting her in at 9 yards! She grouped really well, just not in the same place. Cleaned the barrel, switched out scopes, cleaned the barrel again. Still she would not group at last POA/POI. Groups great, just not in the same place. I pulled out my 1701p to see if it was me, at the same distance (9 yards) pellet on pellet with the 1701p. Giles gave it a great review and so did Airgun Bros. Definitely will be disregarding them going forward. Now to see how Aceros de Hispania and/or Reximex handle my situation. As I want a refund on this lemon or limon. Will chrono over the weekend to confirm numbers. But at the moment? Fellow AGN brethren beware!

I'll take a free look and try to get it shooting if you want. I can work with the factory direct if they're are issues and hopefully correct it and get them to fix it in house for future models if it looks to be a common issue. 
@6600, I'm not judging the entire line. Just the one gun I received, but am willing to give it a fair chance.
@thammer, thank you for your very generous offer, I will PM you sir. The gun looks solid and I definitely want it to work out. Will shoot her side by side with my two other pistols as a test. And run some strings, before making my decision thank you for taking the time to respond.
Alas she lured me with her sexiness, but she couldn't perform. I spent in inordinate amount of time sighting her in at 9 yards! She grouped really well, just not in the same place. Cleaned the barrel, switched out scopes, cleaned the barrel again. Still she would not group at last POA/POI. Groups great, just not in the same place. I pulled out my 1701p to see if it was me, at the same distance (9 yards) pellet on pellet with the 1701p. Giles gave it a great review and so did Airgun Bros. Definitely will be disregarding them going forward. Now to see how Aceros de Hispania and/or Reximex handle my situation. As I want a refund on this lemon or limon. Will chrono over the weekend to confirm numbers. But at the moment? Fellow AGN brethren beware!

I'll take a free look and try to get it shooting if you want. I can work with the factory direct if they're are issues and hopefully correct it and get them to fix it in house for future models if it looks to be a common issue.

That's a great offer!
Alas she lured me with her sexiness, but she couldn't perform. I spent in inordinate amount of time sighting her in at 9 yards! She grouped really well, just not in the same place. Cleaned the barrel, switched out scopes, cleaned the barrel again. Still she would not group at last POA/POI. Groups great, just not in the same place. I pulled out my 1701p to see if it was me, at the same distance (9 yards) pellet on pellet with the 1701p. Giles gave it a great review and so did Airgun Bros. Definitely will be disregarding them going forward. Now to see how Aceros de Hispania and/or Reximex handle my situation. As I want a refund on this lemon or limon. Will chrono over the weekend to confirm numbers. But at the moment? Fellow AGN brethren beware!

I'll take a free look and try to get it shooting if you want. I can work with the factory direct if they're are issues and hopefully correct it and get them to fix it in house for future models if it looks to be a common issue.

That's a great offer!

Indeed, that is a fantastic offer, about customer support ?....and he didn't even sell the gun.

I said this many times before and I will say it again,....if you thinking of buying a Turkish gun forget Hatsan, Forget Benjamin,...go directly to Troy Hammer he knows those guns better then anybody else and will give you the best costumer support you can have, can't ask more then that.