Shattered by 250z Trigger: Can Someone Please Direct Me to the Nearest Exit?

For years I have been financially disciplined denying myself any and all luxuries as a security guard in Southern California I had no choice. However, I decided to reward myself with a new PCP rifle and I diligently researched my purchase for many months and finally settled on the Barra 250z .25 caliber. I purchased a scope, silencer, stainless steel screw kit, o-ring kit, and a trigger kit before I ordered the rifle. Having watched all the YouTube reviews on the gun, their was unanimous agreement that the trigger on the 260z was a spongy, gritty disappointment.

When my gun arrived, I disassembled it, cleaned the barrel, inspected all the o-rings, cleaned up all the excess factory grease, polished a few parts, and then I made a devastating mistake that would take me down a dark rabbit hole and ultimately shatter me and lead me to writing this post. I installed the Rogue Trigger Kit thinking that it would be a significant improvement at least, but was disappointed. It didn't solve the spongy, unpredictably breaking ,gritty trigger. Now he who has never sinned may cast the first stone, but I had the audacity and stupidity to punch out a roll pin holding a sear in the trigger mechanism in order to polish a couple surfaces in hopes I could reduce some of the grittiness. I had no idea of the pandora's box I had just opened.

After a little cleaning up of the sear edges, I proceeded to put the trigger back together. The first sign something was wrong, was the tiny spring in the center of the trigger mech had exploded out of it's place when I punch out the roll pin. No, it didn't go flying into oblivion, that would happen later. I was trapped in a awkward position that after about 6 hours of working with a couple picks I could not get the tiny spring back into place. IN fact, I couldn't even see why or where it was stuck since it was at the center of the trigger mechanism. I finally concluded that the only way back was to punch out another roll pin to give myself room to move another sear out of the way with a pick and return the spring back into position. As I type this, I can't help but notice that words at this point simply cannot describe the experience of trying to fix this problem, but I will give you a thumbnail sketch of the never-ending torcher chamber I found myself in.

I am not an octopus and have but two hands. I am holding the block and using gravity to manipulate the loose sears requiring me to constantly bend over and turn the block at just the right speed and position to try and get things into position again, all the while fighting the fact that light travels in a straight line and it is impossible to see around dark tiny corners. This goes on literally all night until 4 am when my cognitive functions and emotional control abandoned me and I grabbed a pair of hemostats, and ripped the blanking spring out. Of course, this resulted in a spring that was contorted, twisted, and stretched beyond repair. I wisely went to bed.

After another fun day at work doing armed security at a huge retail shopping plaza where I am the guy they call whenever there is any angry, insane, drunk or drugged out belligerent person no one else can deal with. I return to my trigger project day 3. I start with a feeble misguided attempt to bend and twist the spring back into a working form for 2 hours until I accept the futility of the effort. I then get on eBay and order a kit of 230 tiny springs with 23 different sizes and shapes and wait for a few days. When it arrives, II look at the assortment and think, "Yes! I nailed it." However, on closer inspection I realize no I didn't. Springs have many specifications, including some I am sure I am not even aware of. Lets just start with the basics. There is the thickness of the wire, the length of the spring, the outer diameter of the spring coils, the number of coils, etc. At first glance, a spring might look like another spring but upon closer inspection you realize they aren't even close.

I am not a quitter and I get the brilliant idea that I could combine a couple springs which are about the same size, intertwine them, super-glue both ends and Walla....I will save you the horrific details of that endeavor and skip forward to 7 hours later at 3 am after dremmeling out some of the holes in the sears to fit the springs. I went to sleep so I could wakeup at 6 am for another fun day at work. Now, just repeat that last sentence 2 more times with changing details different days.

I am so far past done with this, that I am going to have to call Webster's Dictionary and tell them they need to add another word for where I am because there are none that even begin to scratch the surface of describing where I am mentally and emotionally. Hyper-frustrated, super-irritated, exhausted, angry, and teetering on the edge of completely losing it, whatever form that may take, I don't know.

So, I gathered myself and started with first principles of problem solving. First, I needed to clearly define my outcome which is the following: To find the shortest, least expensive path to solve this problem permanently, in the most expeditious way possible. I would prefer a completely different or an after market trigger, as I think replacing mine with another factory trigger that sucks is not an optimal solution, but I don't know even what is technically possible. I have destroyed my trigger. and I am so damaged psychologically and emotionally that I never, for the rest of my existence, will work on a trigger again, how ever long that may be. So, then it comes down to money, of which I have none, as I over-extended on this entire venture. I have no idea what it costs, or even who do I seek out to solve this problem. My gun before I was able to even take one shot, has become an oversized paperweight. I have humbly exposed my stupidity as a tale of caution to others and deserve any and all criticisms and blame. I did this to myself and take full responsibility. My only question is "Can someone please point me in the direction where I can get off this ride, I don't want to be here anymore."
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For years I have been financially disciplined denying myself any and all luxuries as a security guard in Southern California I had no choice. However, I decided to reward myself with a new PCP rifle and I diligently researched my purchase for many months and finally settled on the Barra 250z .25 caliber. I purchased a scope, silencer, stainless steel screw kit, o-ring kit, and a trigger kit before I ordered the rifle. Having watched all the YouTube reviews on the gun, their was unanimous agreement that the trigger on the 260z was a spongy, gritty disappointment.

When my gun arrived, I disassembled it, cleaned the barrel, inspected all the o-rings, cleaned up all the excess factory grease, polished a few parts, and then I made a devastating mistake that would take me down a dark rabbit hole and ultimately shatter me and lead me to writing this post. I installed the Rogue Trigger Kit thinking that it would be a significant improvement at least, but was disappointed. It didn't solve the spongy, unpredictably breaking ,gritty trigger. Now he who has never sinned may cast the first stone, but I had the audacity and stupidity to punch out a roll pin holding a sear in the trigger mechanism in order to polish a couple surfaces in hopes I could reduce some of the grittiness. I had no idea of the pandora's box I had just opened.

After a little cleaning up of the sear edges, I proceeded to put the trigger back together. The first sign something was wrong, was the tiny spring in the center of the trigger mech had exploded out of it's place when I punch out the roll pin. No, it didn't go flying into oblivion, that would happen later. I was trapped in a awkward position that after about 6 hours of working with a couple picks I could not get the tiny spring back into place. IN fact, I couldn't even see why or where it was stuck since it was at the center of the trigger mechanism. I finally concluded that the only way back was to punch out another roll pin to give myself room to move another sear out of the way with a pick and return the spring back into position. As I type this, I can't help but notice that words at this point simply cannot describe the experience of trying to fix this problem, but I will give you a thumbnail sketch of the never-ending torcher chamber I found myself in.

I am not an octopus and have but two hands. I am holding the block and using gravity to manipulate the loose sears requiring me to constantly bend over and turn the block at just the right speed and position to try and get things into position again, all the while fighting the fact that light travels in a straight line and it is impossible to see around dark tiny corners. This goes on literally all night until 4 am when my cognitive functions and emotional control abandoned me and I grabbed a pair of hemostats, and ripped the blanking spring out. Of course, this resulted in a spring that was contorted, twisted, and stretched beyond repair. I wisely went to bed.

After another fun day at work doing armed security at a huge retail shopping plaza where I am the guy they call whenever there is any angry, insane, drunk or drugged out belligerent person no one else can deal with. I return to my trigger project day 3. I start with a feeble misguided attempt to bend and twist the spring back into a working form for 2 hours until I accept the futility of the effort. I then get on eBay and order a kit of 230 tiny springs with 23 different sizes and shapes and wait for a few days. When it arrives, II look at the assortment and think, "Yes! I nailed it." However, on closer inspection I realize no I didn't. Springs have many specifications, including some I am sure I am not even aware of. Lets just start with the basics. There is the thickness of the wire, the length of the spring, the outer diameter of the spring coils, the number of coils, etc. At first glance, a spring might look like another spring but upon closer inspection you realize they aren't even close.

I am not a quitter and I get the brilliant idea that I could combine a couple springs which are about the same size, intertwine them, super-glue both ends and Walla....I will save you the horrific details of that endeavor and skip forward to 7 hours later at 3 am after dremmeling out some of the holes in the sears to fit the springs. I went to sleep so I could wakeup at 6 am for another fun day at work. Now, just repeat that last sentence 2 more times with changing details different days.

I am so far past done with this, that I am going to have to call Webster's Dictionary and tell them they need to add another word for where I am because there are none that even begin to scratch the surface of describing where I am mentally and emotionally. Hyper-frustrated, super-irritated, exhausted, angry, and teetering on the edge of completely losing it, whatever form that may take, I don't know.

So, I gathered myself and started with first principles of problem solving. First, I needed to clearly define my outcome which is the following: To find the shortest, least expensive path to solve this problem permanently, in the most expeditious way possible. I would prefer a completely different or an after market trigger, as I think replacing mine with another factory trigger that sucks is not an optimal solution, but I don't know even what is technically possible. I have destroyed my trigger. and I am so damaged psychologically and emotionally that I never, for the rest of my existence, will work on a trigger again, how ever long that may be. So, then it comes down to money, of which I have none, as I over-extended on this entire venture. I have no idea what it costs, or even who do I seek out to solve this problem. My gun before I was able to even take one shot, has become an oversized paperweight. I have humbly exposed my stupidity as a tale of caution to others and deserve any and all criticisms and blame. I did this to myself and take full responsibility. My only question is "Can someone please point me in the direction where I can get off this ride, I don't want to be here anymore."
This is why at my age w/ arthritic hands ( and a general bad attitude when stuff doesn't mesh) I don't delve into the internals beyond screw/ nut adjusting.
You've just reaffirmed position. But ,good luck!
I have no experience with that gun but it doesn’t make much sense (to me) why you would disassemble a brand new gun without even shooting it first. The usual SOP for most of us is to clean the bore and shoot a tin or two of pellets through the gun, as delivered, BEFORE making any adjustments.
I have experience and have had success with regular firearms which are actually less complicated. I stated that universally all the reviews criticized the trigger. I dry fired the gun to feel the trigger and was in total agreement. I had no problem disassembling the entire rifle and reassembling it. I stated that it was stupid and naive to punch out one roll pin in the trigger group. In hindsight, it is easy to say why would you ever....At the time, it seems like a totally manageable incremental step. Regardless, I admitted my mistake and took responsibility and did so publicly. What I am trying to focus on is how to go forward, so you should have known better doesn't help. I am open to constructive solutions going forward not what I should have done, which cannot be undone. Furthermore, there is no lesson I am going to learn from anyone's text that I haven't already learned and paid for personally in the form of many hours of torment and suffering. I asked for feedback and thank you for it. Going forward I would ask that any replies be solution oriented as the past is impossible to change and all anyone can ever do is make decisions and take actions from where they are now. Does anyone have any constructive suggestions?
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First rule when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging, a rule I have violated many times! I know nothing of that rifle, but I see that it is a domestic product from Arkansas, and this might work in your favor. I don't think that you will find an after-market trigger solution, there just aren't many for air rifles. I suggest that you give the folks in Arkansas a call. Hopefully, you will speak to someone who has sympathy with your situation and will tell you to send it in for repair. Under the circumstances, it probably will not be free, but I think the required replacement parts and labor will not be very costly. Maybe you will only achieve restoring the same sub-par trigger with which you started, but at least you will have a marketable used rifle to sell, at which time you can either start over, or consider your air gun career concluded. Good luck.
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I understand the frustrating circumstances. The spring cab be pre compressed by using a dowel. For instance for a tiny little spring slip it over the ink tube of a bic pin then use nylon thread to compress it tying it in place. Once the spring is in position on the sear cut the thread it will pop in place. Also you make a jig to hold things to help you out.