Shipping? I can’t find a way to get my air gun to Spain!

Hi, I’m moving to Spain and want to take my airgun with me. Sub 12ft/lbs. Airlines charge a fortune and I can’t find any couriers that will accept it. How can I get it shipped to Spain for a normal cost. If I pay 100£ and above I might aswell sell it as it only cost 180.

Thanks in advance for the help.
Why not just take along in a gun hardcase on the plane like your suitcases. Pay the extra overcharge. That might just be the cheapest. I have exported a lot of guns(firearms) here & there. If its a $180 gun I would give it to someone I like. Had it been a $45000 Holland & holland gun then I could set you up with a broker. Sorry for sounding too snobby but bring along your gun and pay what it cost if gun has sentimental value but otherwise it not worth it for a $180 popgun.