Shoebox compressor f8 o ring sizes

Go on you tube, lots of info and how to rebuild them, first start up ect.
I watched the video he didn't say anything about the delrin spacers or piston rods BTW mine are the high pressure cylinder with the small piston if I can getbit to stop rubbing the delrin spacer it will be fine.
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"Ok I think I know what's going on with the delrin spacer I noticed on the inside of it it's knicked up I think the piston rod is slightly out of alignment do you know how to align it like it should be?"
You had PM'ed me while I was at a family reunion and I just returned and answered your PM around 15:00 today. I also suggested that it was likely out of alignment before I saw this thread.
I did not see it in the Classified Section, by the way.
O-Ring sizes for the block are the same size as the small piston check valve O-Rings....



View attachment Showbox Schematic Color 2014 w-Piston and BW Parts List 5-26-24.pdf

View attachment Shoebox Piston-Cylinder Schematic 5-26-24.pdf
When you took the pistons out and replaced them, did you remove them from the piston support block?
If so, they will need to be 'timed' or adjusted for the check opening and closing in order to function properly.
I'm going to sleep now....zzzzzz.

I never removed or touched the pistons I just removed the cylinders
Gotcha. So, that part should be okay.
If it shows a leak at the Delrin (oiler) nut, then it is leaking from the inside O-Ring. The Delrin nut should not be tightened for leakage, you'll break it. It's only there to hold the oiler felts, nothing more.
I am assuming that you cleaned the inside of the cylinder extremely well before replacing all of the innards, right? There can be a buildup of gunk inside if it's not cleaned, this will cause leaking and since liquid is not compressible, you won't be able to get the pressure much past 1,000PSI, if at all. DO NOT use any sort of wire brush on the cylinders, it will scratch the surface and will not seal with the O-Rings afterwards. I normally use Goo Gone or similar with cotton swabs and pipe cleaners, then a final flush with Goo Gone, then flush that with water. Allow to dry well or blow-dry with dry air, then reinstall all of the innards and try it out.
You're not getting a good seal with the O-Rings inside.
