Shoebox Tubing Replacement

Fwiw, the ferrules on the tube I pictured are not rubber or rubberized. They do appear that way in the picture but they are definitely metal. The tube itself is non-magnetic but the ferrule is magnetic.

Also, I’ve had them on/off many times and have not experienced leaks.

I have edited and renamed the Shoebox Spreadsheet indicating the above conversations. It's renamed as "Shoebox R-1 With Links 11-25-24" and is now attached in this reply.
Thanks to all for the valued input! If there is another item, part, piece, widget that needs attention or addition into the sheet, please let me know and I will incorporate, investigate, revise the Box information as needed, applicable.


View attachment Shoebox R-1 With Links 11-25-24.xls
I ordered the tubes from OCO Labs today. 2 questions. How tight do I fasten the connector. Do I use thread tape?
Thanks Ray
No, thread tape is only used on tapered threads. The manufacturer should have instructions on how to tighten the fitting properly. That would be the best source for that information. Or the distributor.
OCO Labs will NOT release the manufacturer's name. I assume to protect their profiting from sales.
They may, however, answer your question (?).
Yes, rcs9250 is 100% correct, NO tape, the seal is created via the little white O-Ring against the O-Ring cut-out at the end of the Cylinders and Main Block.
Since it's an O-Ring seal it should NOT be gorilla tight, just enough to compress the O-Ring to seal.



Would you mind sending me a pic of the 'auto-shut-off' label information (you can PM me)? Mine 2, don't have that and it's holding up the information on the spreadsheet.
I had contacted the manufacturer and after 2 months of waiting for the information, figured that they aren't interested in helping customers out, just selling them stuff.
It would be much appreciated.

And those are the fittings that you replaced are the ones that I have been trying to locate without luck by the way....only from OCO Labs

I have tried the 18 tooth pulley, still a tad too fast. So, I dropped down to a 15 tooth pulley, that seems just about right. Slightly faster than the original 13 tooth pulley, but easier on the system than both the 18 and 21 (F-10) tooth pulleys.
While I don't need speed and agree with Alan, I thought that at least I'd give them a try.
I'll have to do some time trials since I can use one, then the other with 2 Boxes in house.
As for the auto-shutoff, there was a change at some point from the United Electric Control unit to a 'GEM' unit. Both of mine have the GEM auto-shutoff and neither are legible enough to see the model number or any other information. Your pics helped a lot as all of that information was included. GEM were NOT helpful at all!

Since I hadda top off a tank today, a Tiger Shark (73CF) from Brancato, I went ahead and timed it out using an 18-tooth pulley.
Ambient temperature = 69°, Humidity = 16%, Start at 3,700PSI, end at 4,400PSI (I'm adjusting the shut-off down to 4,300PSI by the way).
Took 1.1 hours, or 66 minutes, this using an hour meter connected to the motor powerline.
It's a little subjective as there is no way of knowing EXACTLY how much pressure in/out, just using the gauges on the tank.
That said, at 1.1 hours that's approximately 700PSI equaling: ± .09429 minutes per 1bar fill rate, or ± 9.429 minutes per 100bar fill rate.
This includes 'filling' the high-pressure moisture filter that starts to kick into the tank at around 2,200PSI ( ± 152bar), so it takes a little longer due to that fact.
I haven't hadda chance to compare that to the 15-tooth pulley on my other Box but will do that when I get a chance.
YMMV of course!

Picture of the moisture filter, not used in this position, but vertical.

Good information. BTW, the original Shoebox belt drive system had a drive cog with only 10 teeth on it. That was what came installed on my Shoebox Max model pump. I later upgraded it to the 13 tooth F8 drive cog, and reduced my F10 drive cog to the same 13 tooth one as well, so they both run the same nice relaxed speed, but not too slow like the original ran.

Interestingly, when I saw your request for the picture of the pressure switch label, I reaclled that I have a spare one that I bought before Tom shut down the shop, so I decided to get it to take a nice picture of it since it was not installed. It turns out it has no label on it at all - maybe there were two sources for these over time?


Yes, the GEM ones have laser etched information directly on the metal parts, but they don't have any other information, such as pressure adjusting range, maximum pressure, etc. And of course, those numbers don't mean squat when searching their website. VERY user unfriendly.
It seems the Tom was a big buyer of McMaster-Carr products and in my Shoebox spreadsheet, I initially had one provided my Mc-Carr included. Both of mine have GEM, plus a third main block that I have as a spare, also has GEM.


Pictures indicated a Untited Electronic Controls auto-shutoff, so there must have been a switch somewhere along the line.
A friend had one of the original version chain-drive Boxes, noisy! I have the pulley off of that Box, so will count the teeth on it later on.
While the 18-tooth (± 86% of the 21-tooth speed) isn't as rowdy as the 21-tooth, it still has a lot of speed, thus I think that perhaps the 15-tooth, at ± 71%, might be the right one to use. I won't know until time trials are complete, but just doing the math the 15-tooth seems pleasant enough.
If you don't mind Alan, perhaps run a time trial on your 13-tooth (± 62% of the 21-tooth) pulley and let us know your findings?