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Shoot-offs, tie breakers etc


Your suggestion to count up misses by Troyer factor to settle ties exacerbates the problem of forcing shooters that can’t kneel and so shoot kneelers offhand. Since these shooters effectively use a higher troyer factor than reported on those misses, if “kneelers” are counted for these guys rather than offhand its not cool … even so, kneelers are typically farther, to the shots need recalculated as offhanders.


Oh that would be interesting. … if you chose the standing option in your positional instead of kneeling during the match, and got it, then you could get those brownie points for tie credits by adjusting the T factor for choosing the standing difficulty….. all thoughts to ponder.
but a paintball duel does sound real darn entertaining. 


Your suggestion to count up misses by Troyer factor to settle ties exacerbates the problem of forcing shooters that can’t kneel and so shoot kneelers offhand. Since these shooters effectively use a higher troyer factor than reported on those misses, if “kneelers” are counted for these guys rather than offhand its not cool … even so, kneelers are typically farther, to the shots need recalculated as offhanders.


Oh that would be interesting. … if you chose the standing option in your positional instead of kneeling during the match, and got it, then you could get those brownie points for tie credits by adjusting the T factor for choosing the standing difficulty….. all thoughts to ponder.
but a paintball duel does sound real darn entertaining.

I used to sometimes win by challenging the other guy to arm-wrestle for it.