Air Arms Shooting Silly Wet Tomorrow

With TX200 #3 and the power adjusted to 12fpe thanks to a gift of a VORTEK kit from the Motörhead…
We can shoot air rifle distances (10, 12.5, 15 & 18 yards) with rifles with no more than 12fpe.
If I do well, I may try the longer distances with the 16.5 TX200 #2.
It is only a 40 shot match so the 10.75 pounds of the rifle should not bother me too much and I might shoot both relays for 80 shots, offhand, of course.
I checked the required holdover for the 8.64gr H&N FTT pellets with the scope set at 4X then I shot another sheet to post here.
Off of the bench with a front rest…3 shot groups..

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