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Shooting slugs questions.

i dunno .. the way i visualize it, slugs really arnt ideal for airguns period, unless its a set range and you need the penetration for large critters .. its the pronounced airgun 'arc' flightpath imo .. pellets are deisigned to 'fly' it and keep the nose on track, slugs tend to retain the nose angle of attack they left the barrel at .. just my understanding .. im sure some setups can be pretty accurate, just not inherently ..
I'm not sure what is meant by "standard" airguns. There is great variability in power and barrel design that affects ability in slug shooting. Now, going with the standard 100 yard accuracy. There are a sizable amount of airguns that will work, however, usually, a modified boost in power is needed to help promote accuracy. Generally, slugs like going faster than pellets. Many guns out of the box are not adjusted for that. Once the gun is adjusted for high power, I've seen FX liners, CZ barrels , LW barrels and polygonal barrels all work. The next critical step is fitting the correct slug for individual barrel. Lastly, adjusting to the correct tune for optimal performance. All this takes work, research, and a ton of patience.