The grandson came over this AM. He wanted to shoot some of the airguns. He shot my KAM P12 (pre SPA, Aretmis, Snowpeak) whe he was 10 and hasn't asked about it since. He'll be 14 in a couple of months. I think he'll be back for more shooting a lot sooner this time. The only one that was sighted in was my AEA HP Carbine. I was moving scopes around on some of the others and haven't sighted them in yet.
We carried a small folding table to the back yard and I put a few extra large pieces of 3/4" plywood up just in case. LOL So we had a 1/2" sheet, 2 3/4" sheets, a 3/4" wood fence, then a concrete block wall about 10' behind that. I had bought a cheap rest several months ago and assembled it, but never shot off of it. We had to shim the rear up with a 4X4 to get the height right, so not extremely stable but better than shooting sticks or a camera tripod.
I gave him a quick refresher about gun safety, and checked the zero to make sure it was still on target. Then I let him empty the magazine. Then, I showed him how to re-load the magazine, and insert it in the gun. He shot the first 3 magazines, and I tried to coach him a little on squeezing the shot instead of jerking or pulling the trigger. He shot the center, 9 o'clock, 12 o'clock, and I shot the 3 o'clock position. Then we put up another target and he was shooting it until Granny came out and told us the pizza was ready.
For a 6# trigger pull and only his second time shooting he did a great job, especially if you take out the flyers when he was jerking the trigger. On the second target there were lots of flyers. The gun had dropped pretty low on pressure and it was causing "double fire" issues after the 5th magazine. I was happy with the accuracy of the cheap Vortex.Strike 24.7gr .25 pellets. I know the gun is more accurate with other pellets but use these for plinking, and some pesting.
We carried a small folding table to the back yard and I put a few extra large pieces of 3/4" plywood up just in case. LOL So we had a 1/2" sheet, 2 3/4" sheets, a 3/4" wood fence, then a concrete block wall about 10' behind that. I had bought a cheap rest several months ago and assembled it, but never shot off of it. We had to shim the rear up with a 4X4 to get the height right, so not extremely stable but better than shooting sticks or a camera tripod.
I gave him a quick refresher about gun safety, and checked the zero to make sure it was still on target. Then I let him empty the magazine. Then, I showed him how to re-load the magazine, and insert it in the gun. He shot the first 3 magazines, and I tried to coach him a little on squeezing the shot instead of jerking or pulling the trigger. He shot the center, 9 o'clock, 12 o'clock, and I shot the 3 o'clock position. Then we put up another target and he was shooting it until Granny came out and told us the pizza was ready.
For a 6# trigger pull and only his second time shooting he did a great job, especially if you take out the flyers when he was jerking the trigger. On the second target there were lots of flyers. The gun had dropped pretty low on pressure and it was causing "double fire" issues after the 5th magazine. I was happy with the accuracy of the cheap Vortex.Strike 24.7gr .25 pellets. I know the gun is more accurate with other pellets but use these for plinking, and some pesting.