Shopping around for a long range target bipod - front rest

Dual purpose is in my mind and that makes it a bit tricky prerequisite.

My Impact MK2 I am using for 100 M target rings, it has a long arca rail, and so far a heavy duty table top tripod works well in that setup.
My Leshiy2 I am using for 5-100 y silhouettes and speed games, it has a picatinny hand rail, and I have an arca adapter for it, also occasionally using a over the barrel 12 clock bipod.
My new f-class 308 pb project (I did a diy arca rail on this one as well) I am tinkering how to dual purpose the front rest on all of these tree platforms.

Tinkering now to get one of the rests for long range targets, either the MPOD or the Rempel rest.

And here is my confusion.
I never had those anschuts t-slot rails in my hands to see what the benefits would be using adapters for these, picatinny or arca. but these are mostly coming as default with f-class rests.

To bother with adapters? or order a rest/bipod straight up with arca clampst?
Since July I got the Rempel rest, yes, this one is big and heavy as well :)



Ordered with a picatinny adapter, and I already had some arca clamps in my drawers.
This rest is .... a totally different ball game , this what I can say ;)
Shopping now for a heavy duty (f-class again) rear bag. Not in hurry but actively looking.
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