My evening group therapy is one of my favorite shooting sessions lol. Range is about 8 yards shooting from the recliner with the gun balanced on the crossed knee.
Using my HW30 tuned by John in Pa. He installed a Air Rifle Headquarters indoor shooter kit that has totally tamed any bump in the shot cycle. It took the gun from 500 fps to 425 fps and it increased the accuracy by a lot. Some of the circles have 5 and 10 shot groups.
It’s so pleasant to shoot and accurate that it’s addictive and hard to put down. If only I could have had this instead of my Daisy BB gun when I was a kid!
Using my HW30 tuned by John in Pa. He installed a Air Rifle Headquarters indoor shooter kit that has totally tamed any bump in the shot cycle. It took the gun from 500 fps to 425 fps and it increased the accuracy by a lot. Some of the circles have 5 and 10 shot groups.
It’s so pleasant to shoot and accurate that it’s addictive and hard to put down. If only I could have had this instead of my Daisy BB gun when I was a kid!