I like that reticle style to. When I had the NV008s, I didn’t have the noise as long as the battery was charged. Wonder if you should contact PARD if it’s constant on yours? I know mine didn’t. If I had to guess, I think I get about an 1 1/2 hrs constant run time,maybe a little more with me running the IR on its highest setting. Plus using the video feature. I also put it into sleep mode a lot after a shot, and when I’m walking around the farm to setup in different locations. Helps conserve the battery. And one click and you’re up and running. I do take multiple batteries with me when I go. 2 extra to be exact. This DS 35 50 is amazing. It is so much easier to use the menu function with the top turret of the scope compared to the NV008s LRF. And setting up the one shot zero and ballistic calculator is a breeze. Everything about new scope to me is just so much better.