Short rat kill(s) video with my new Ghost and PARD DS 35 50 LRF setup

Just a short video of 4 rat kills tonight with my new .22 BRK Ghost HP and PARD night scope setup. Was shooting the 15.89 gr. Hades at 1022 FPS. Reg is set at 140 and power wheel on min.Ballistic calculator of the scope is spot on. It’s nice to be able to setup different profiles for different ammo with the PARD. Also have a profile for the JSB 25.39 gr. MRD’s. Same 140 reg setting with the power wheel set on 17,coming out at 925 FPS. Both heads are shooting very tight accurate groups. Might still lower the reg a little more to get the HADES down some in speed. The noise you hear in the first two kills is because the battery was showing low on the PARD.
The noise is completely gone with a charged battery. When you watch the last two kills, you hear no background interference noise. Just the noise of the action of the gun. It only makes that noise ( first two video kills) when the battery is showing low.

@rut I see what you mean after watching again. Mine makes a pretty consistent noise as long as the LRF is in use. It doesn’t sound nearly as loud but it it definitely audible. I hope they fix that issue. I like the reticle you used as well. Do you usually take multiple batteries with you on a hunt? How long does a battery last you from full charge in your DS 35?
I like that reticle style to. When I had the NV008s, I didn’t have the noise as long as the battery was charged. Wonder if you should contact PARD if it’s constant on yours? I know mine didn’t. If I had to guess, I think I get about an 1 1/2 hrs constant run time,maybe a little more with me running the IR on its highest setting. Plus using the video feature. I also put it into sleep mode a lot after a shot, and when I’m walking around the farm to setup in different locations. Helps conserve the battery. And one click and you’re up and running. I do take multiple batteries with me when I go. 2 extra to be exact. This DS 35 50 is amazing. It is so much easier to use the menu function with the top turret of the scope compared to the NV008s LRF. And setting up the one shot zero and ballistic calculator is a breeze. Everything about new scope to me is just so much better.
@rut I meant the noise is consistent as long as the LRF os active. Especially if I leave it running. When I was hunting beaver with it, sometimes I’d have to track them in the water and I’d leave the LRF running so that I could make contact between their head and the laser. As long as the laser hit the water I rather got no reading or an inaccurate one. By the time it was time to shoot I didn’t bother to switch off the LRF so the sound is heard throughout the video. It’s a lot more subtle on mine though.

Are you using a hand scanner to locate the rats or just the scope? I was thinking of doing a little mouse shooting with some lead free pellets. Don’t want lead in the hay on pass throughs and missed shots.
@rut Yup. That’s it. I’m hearing the same noise in your video. Thermal is cool and has its place but NV also has its place. I own both and use them for different applications. If the area is clear without obstructions then an NV scope is just fine. It helps to use a handheld thermal scanner to locate animals in the dark and to use the NV to kill then.