should I get a shoebox compressor?

Well I cant put all my money in a big compressor. So is a shoebox compressor the way to go untell I can get a big unit? How good are they? Finding a place around here is hard to find a place tofill my tanks...and a bit of and drive. Its a pain in the rear to drop it off and wait an hour or two to pick it back up. I just started in this hobby and the only part I do not like is the filling of my tanks. So any imput u have on this wouldnsue help....thanks
Dry air is key to pcp's. With a shoebox you will need to purchase a 1st stage shop compressor (125 psi) and a dryer before you connect to your tank. when you add this up you will be just under $2k. On the Shoebox website are links to set-ups. My only concern is, is the dessicant in that set-up good enough. Others will chime in and say yes. Shelden Sporting Goods (see links on Shoebox) sells a dryer for $500 which would be the only one I would trust. Others will say a cheaper one will work. I am not willing to chance it with my rifles. I was fortunately to get one of his last 2.4 compressors. There may be 1 4.2 left which sells for $2400-2600. This is a tough decision to make. Another choice is the Mrod compressor. They are similar to the unit Gladiator just posted. The shoebox is a solid unit and easy to repair but slow compared to the others. Just be aware of the additional things you have to buy with it.
Best of luck,

The Shoebox compressor input pressure is rated at about 100 psi max. it does effect how fast it is filled but it's not worth stressing the compressor to much 90 psi is enough. I've had a shoebox max compressor for a few years now its been working pretty good sometimes you might break a belt but there customer service is great so no big deal. the compressor is very easy to maintenance. I have a cheap moister filter on my input compressor to take care of some of the moisture. I'm not sure how big of a deal moisture is but if it makes you feel better you could by a really expensive filter.
"Richard300"My compressor is 2 stage 175 psi...does the imput pressure make any differance how fast it pumps?
It is recommended to use a "oil-less" compressor to supply the Shoebox. The 2 stage compressor you mention sounds like a oil lubricated compressor which shouldn't be used to supply the Shoebox. High pressure air and oil is a dangerous combination. To use you 2 stage compressor would require the addition of special and expensive oil coalescing filters. 
Just an FYI for the shoebox. I have worked on a number of guns that are filled from tanks that are filled with a shoebox. Some of these guns had moisture in them and some did not. I know of one person who was filtering from the 1st stage compressor to the shoebox with a nice wilkerson setup but wasn't using a high pressure output. Both his guns and tanks had alot of moisture in them. He has since went to a high pressure output sieve filter and no longer has any moisture problems. The one thing that every moistureless gun had in common, was the use of a high pressure output filter on the shoebox. I have always felt the shoebox needs to have such a filter for worry free dry air, but after seeing what I have seen, I can say factually that in most cases, the shoebox needs an output filter.
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Depending on where you live, moisture can be a major problem and may require extreme measures to eliminate. If I was starting from scratch I would probably op for 6000# Nitrogen with a regulator.
I realize that I'm probably using more filters/regulators then needed. Before Airguns and PCP's I used a regular oil lubricated compressor and refrigerated air dryer (with the filter/regulator manifold shown) for air brush model painting. Any oil and water can destroy a paint job. I have since got the oil-less compressor shown. I went ahead and kept the manifold setup. The manifold shown has from left to right, Regulator/Filter moisture separator, Oil Coalescing filter, Final Coalescing Filter .01 micron, Final Regulator. I added the large Wilkerson Desiccant filter on the right, it is their Model X03-02-000.
As ajshoots pointed out, and I agree, that even with this filter setup I was getting some moisture at the Shoebox "outlet". I am in the high humidity/ high dew point South so I now rejuvenate my Wilkerson desiccant more frequently and I added the Diablo molecular sieve filter on the Shoebox Freedom 8 outlet. I recently had my prod opened up and a little 19 cuft Ninja tank. I inspected them and found No problems! 

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