About 25 years ago I was given the pistol pictured below in exchange for some yard work. It normally sits in the box on a shelf. It does still work. Is it worth anything? Should I shoot it or just leave it be? Is it worth a tear down and rebuild?
That is a sweet piece. I like the tin with the pellet hole. I am not sure their is much value as it has a lot of usage marks, but if it works why not use it and have as a piece of AG history? May be a rebuild, that would be more for you though.
I would keep and shoot, or find a youngster who wants to start shooting AG?!
That’s really nice. Just a week ago I had a friend that got one just about like yours. It had the plastic grip. I found a site that helped date it, his was a 1977. It was a bit oily but that was a good thing. Couldn’t believe the seals were holding so well. I think they made them in .177 .22 and a bb version. Models 137, 132, 130.?
From what I read 8 pumps was max. His gun held air and shot great. 405fps with 7.4-7.9gr pellets? 8-405, 7-385, 6-340, 5-288, 4-230, 3-188, 2-128 1-pellet didn’t make out of the barrel