Anyone have issues with their side focus being really hard to turn? I mean like really really hard to turn to the point that your finger hurts just by gripping it and turning it. I have a center point with side focus is really hard to turn. I work it back and forth and it got a tiny easier but still hard. Then I purchased a new scope westhunter compact scope 3x12 44ao. This one is twice as hard as the Centerpoint. I grip it as hard as I can and force it to turn, it wouldn't even budge. My fingers hurt to the point i couldnt do it anymore. I have to get a cloth and grip it and turn so it wouldnt hurt. It barely turns. I work it back and forth and it is now a little easier to turn by hand. But still have to grip it and turn really hard just for it to move. Shouldn't the side focus be easier rotate? Why is it so hard? Is there ways to make it easier to turn.