Wow, thank you, that's a whole lot of information. I've had some jamming issues but put that down to pellets--ordered a whole bunch of trial packs to see what runs the best out of it. Wadcutters and hollowpoints, I hear. I don't even need to check to see if this will go through 8 cans. I can tell you now it will not.
Was waiting to make sure I could fix the leaking issues before I bought a pump, but might as well get one now I suppose, now I have my new o rings and seals. It's a 3000psi tank regulated to 1100psi. I hear it takes a good 300 pumps from a handpump to fill so at least I'll be getting some exercise, haha.
As you can probably tell I'm new to airgun modding but this doesn't sound too difficult. When I open the gun up to change the rings I'll take a look at how likely it seems I'll screw it up completely
As for pistol choice, I've been mainly looking at pellet pistols, as not to send bbs deflecting off everywhere. I do see those lead bbs which are meant to shatter on impact. Is it harder to modify non-blowback pistols? I ask because they're meant to give more fps but I've only seen you mention blowback ones.
Interestingly your comment about the barrel lengths made me remember the MPX has a 8" barrel--if it were an actual gun this would mean it's a pistol here, as the barrel is shorter than 12". I looked a little deeper and there doesn't appear to be an actual definition of what is an air rifle and what is an air pistol in the UK... Got me wondering about the MP5K. What a richochety little beast that could be.
Thanks for all the advice--I'll look into hand warmers.
As for crossbows, no, no power regulations. And I imagine it's illegal to carry them around publically given it's illegal to carry just about everything publically over here.