Sighting in my HW95 .25 for hunting

Got a ways before it’s time to hunt rabbits here but with me waiting on a tune kit to get my HW97 back up and running I decided to find the best zero for hunting using just the main crosshairs. Started out by sighting in at 10yds then shooting groups at 15yds and adjusting my zero till I had a POI that worked well with both yardages. Once I had it where I wanted it I shot two 5 shot groups at 10,15 and 20yds to see where my POI was. 

HW95 .25 cal.

Prdeator GTO’s 16.54gr

Hawke 4-16x44 Airmax 30 compact 


FPE Formula is Pellet weight (gr) x FPS x FPS divided by 450240.

Assume that your H&N FTT pellets weigh 14.66 gr and the rifle is shooting at 710 feet per second.

Example 14.66 gr x 710 FPS x 710 FPS divided by 450240 = 16.41 FPE

450240 is 2 x velocity of gravity x 7000, (2 x 32.16 x 7000 = 450240)

450436 is 2 x velocity of gravity x 7000, (2 x 32.174 x 7000 = 450436)

The constant 450240 or 450436 depends on which value you use for the velocity of gravity, 32.16 ft/s/s or 32.174 ft/s/s. There are 7000 grains in one pound. The difference does not matter which ever constant is used for the FPE calculation.

The Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph iPhone/iPad APP uses 450240 as the constant value for FPE calculations.
Looking good. Here is my Hawke Chairgun trajectory chart for my HW95L .22 with a 25 yard POI. I really like that scope.

ARH trajectory 5-06-2021.1624562364.jpg

This Hawke is going back for warranty, it’s got so many black specks inside the lens now that it’s quite annoying. Just waiting for my Athlon Helos 4-20x50 to show up one of these days so I won’t be scopeless. I haven’t been very impressed with this Hawke since the day I got it but really wasn’t expecting that much from it just on its price point. The day I took it out of the package you could turn the turrets and(not really sure what to call them. Take the caps off and the turrets go inside them.) they would actually turn. Just using my fingers and I screwed them in tightening as much as I could. Figured no way it would ever hold zero but so far it has. 
The velocity figures for my HW95L using HNFTTs showed as 595 fps or so at the muzzle compared to the HW80 .25 having 649 fps or about 50 fps faster in the HW80.

I found the HW95L to be more accurate and further reaching than most assume.

I like the .25 in low medium and high velocity. Not many calibers can please as much tuned up or down in power.

Love my .25s!
Good shooting! I have a .22cal 95 and it shoots great out to 40 yards, about a 1" group. Wouldn't mind trying a .25!

Well I got the .22 HW95L ahead of the .25 and then started shooting it with a scope (the Swarovski) to find I was missing too much despite clear images due to the way the .22 pellets were doing. I missed a varmint at 20 yards and felt the hold was perfect but no evidence was left to figure that out after the target disappeared up a tree.

I then got the .25 HW95L and shot it across a lake to see the pellets landing as precisely as I can aim with a bit of elevation and wind compensation. So I put a scope on the HW95L .25 inside a Diana Zero Recoil system and the HW95L is so accurate it hits the silver dollar sized targets at 40 yards with EASE. The HW80 .25 with the same mounts (zero recoil) does the same but with HIGHER velocity at 49fps FASTER; but that extra 50 fps or so on the HW80 isn't isn't isn't worth it!

You CAN shoot an HW95L across a lake and also an HW98 .25 as well! I was so impressed with the HW95L .25 I got the HW80 .25 followed by the final one;

THE HW98 .25!

You END all dispute with the power and slam of the .25 and when you GET accurate you go to the HW98 to make sure nothing changes from season to season with your ZERO on the HW98!

It will compete with ANY other pellet rifle of any cost or manufacturer to the END of:

"What Rifle To Shoot Offhand Accurately" and BAR NONE!

I guess I just gave away my enthusiasm for the HW98 in the .25 but the .25 doesn't really NEED THAT kind of expensive rifle to perform!
