Air Arms Sighting in TX200HC after relube

Tried shooting my TX200HC but it wouldn't hold zero. Vertical spread to groups. Suspected it needed fresh lube so applied Vortek orange lube to the OD of the piston and spring and gave it another try. Seems OK now. Velocity is maybe a little lower than I would like, but reasonably consistent.


TX200 090524.jpg
Nice shooting Chuck.
I was also shooting my Tx, getting ready for the cup @ Ohio.

I was getting unexplained flyers for the last two days.

I probably did the same trouble shooting you did :

1. Check all screws. Especially that front bracket screw that secures the bracket to the action.
2. Chrono to see if there's was a spring/seal/action issue
3. Clean barrel (not something I do routinely…maybe once every two years or when I cannot group)

One of my buddies suggested that I switch pellets. DING DING DING.. I accidentally shot a tin of JSB head size 4.53 …the barrel did not like this head size. I bought different head sizes 6 months ago to do testing and totally forgot about them. It becomes problematic when you shoot from a pellet pouch and not from the tin.

I Switched back to a 4.52 head size, the accuracy came back.

Took 2 hours this morning to pin point that this barrel only like 4.52 head size.

Oh …I also lightened my trigger a bit. I found out that my trigger control is more consistent with a lighter trigger.

I haven’t done lubing as an intervention yet. I might need to look into that.
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