Sightron S6 10-60x56

Cavedeweller, Your analysis of the Top Sightron S-6 runs parallel with my observation of the S6 5-32x56 SFP I mentioned on this forum a couple weeks ago. I was about to re-mortgage the house when I first started reading your recent posts. I do think the illuminated reticle on yours is much superior to the one I have but is it $500 better??? I had pretty much concluded that there is no scope at 16X that will range find with the more powerful scopes of the other AFFTA classes that I can afford and you have saved me from myself. Thank you!
Last weekend My lower powered S6 ranged well enough that I shot a 51 out of 60 on a new course with a 33 -34ish Troyer. I missed 6 out of my 8 forced position shots. Reckoned, that is where my efforts will be going forward. Last December my wife and I both came down with Covert and after having all my boosters I managed threw it pretty decent with the exception of Vertigo. I have been slow to recover from that. Just can't shoot standing the way I use to and still working on my kneeling game.
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I'll know by sunday cometh! if it doesn't perform..... it's going back.
@Bramezy well it performs better than anything else 9-35 yards at 16X but thereafter it’s the same struggle just with more wheel rotation. Definitely a keeper as it’s just too damn fine to let go of. And bump this up to 30X and wowza 35 out!
@Bramezy well it performs better than anything else 9-35 yards at 16X but thereafter it’s the same struggle just with more wheel rotation. Definitely a keeper as it’s just too damn fine to let go of. And bump this up to 30X and wowza 35 out!
Same with my S3. On 30x its amazing ranging. But thats not the game Im playing so is what it is. Still a damn fine scope.