Sightron vs. athlon?

Looking for a new FT scope and I figured I would just go with a sightron S6FT @1900.00 with parallax wheel but the Athlon Ares 10-60x56 FT scope caught my eye plus I “think I would like the reticle better? And the scope Is about $500 cheaper. I guess what I’m wondering if anyone has real life experience with this scope especially in HFT Comp’s and especially if you have used both scopes to compare.
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Looking for a new FT scope and I figured I would just go with a sightron S6FT @1900.00 with parallax wheel but the Athlon Ares 10-60x56 FT scope caught my eye plus I “think I would like the reticle better? And the scope Is about $500 cheaper. I guess what I’m wondering if anyone has real life experience with this scope especially in HFT Comp’s and especially if you have used both scopes to compare.

Do you mean​


Looking for a new FT scope and I figured I would just go with a sightron S6FT @1900.00 with parallax wheel but the Athlon Ares 10-60x56 FT scope caught my eye plus I “think I would like the reticle better? And the scope Is about $500 cheaper. I guess what I’m wondering if anyone has real life experience with this scope especially in HFT Comp’s and especially if you have used both scopes to compare.
What class field target do you shoot?
I own the new S6 and it’s amazing but
For HFT you can’t go above 16x so purely a waste
Yes, and yes HFT but I also shoot 25m BR with the same gun. So I can use the magnification maybe not 50-60x but easily 45x and SFP is a must!
@nomojo65 = Well if money isn't the issue the Sightron is the winner for a one scope, one gun, 3 disciplines thing.
You will also notice on the S6 that although you have a great spread (270 degrees) on the wheel from 9-55 yards, once you hit 35 yards, at 16X, it's like all the other many, many, scopes on my shelf.... trying to focus sharply between 1 yard distances isn't gonna be easy.
Turn that same scope up to 30X and you can differentiate by the 1/2 yard past 60 yards shazam...
Almost makes me want to throw my butt on a bumm bag or shoot open/unlimited or whatever.
Personally I feel the reticle is a bit too fine in the ETR 15-60 for Hunter using holds. I use mine in unlimited so I'm dialing as well as turning the illume all the way up. Maybe for young eyes it'd be different??

However for benchrest it's fantastic and part of that is because the reticle hashes are so fine. I aim at the rings for my holds using the center dot with the illume on.
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Does it snap in as well as the sightrons?, I know after this last weekend I need a lighted reticle!
Per the boss lady, Barbara, she loves her scope. Ares ETR 15-60X56. She of course leaves it at 15, but says the clarity and focus are so perfect for her she doesn't miss 16X at all. Ranges great, super clear, lit reticle, and she is knocking it out of the park at HFT with it. She will be shooting in the Arizona State Championships this weekend using it.

PAC and Cajuns a lit reticle is a huge help. My Midas Tac doesn't have one and there were lanes I couldn't tell where the reticle was until I pulled it off target and attempted to get the hold over and bring it back over to the KZ.

Tony P.