I have saw a lot of nifty pellet holders over my many years of airgunning and these are no exception.. However ovrr the years, I have tried numerous types and most have a particular advantage in certain shooting scenerios. There is one type of pelket holder that I seem to always return to and that is the famous pellet pouch that hangs around my neck with a shoe string. Fancy?....nope, but practical?....yep, very practical!! Whether target shooting, hunting or just plinking, my pelkets are always there, they dont spill when I get up or sit down, they dont even spill when I bend over!! After years of loosing thousands of well prepared pellets from other container methods that I tried, Just cant help but return to my trusty pellet pouch from around my neck. No matter the weather, whether hot and dressed in a T shirt and shorts or bundked up in my winter overalls and heavy coat, there is my trusty pelket pouch justvwaiting for me to retrieve another pellet for the next shot. My trusty pouch is not pretty nor is it the lastest in fashion design but it does its job, it protects my valuable pellets and keeps them from getting, kicked, dumped over, or spilled onto the ground no matter what I am doing. I do enjoy seeing all the neat pellet container ideas out there and I do have an assortment of my own, but just cant give up on my trusty pouch.....