Simco pumper BB air rifle

-I recently acquired this neat air rifle, which appeared to be an early Crosman (as in, the stock meets the metal in the middle of the long pistol grip). Of course the valve does not function properly and the rifle will not hold air. The piece may be quite collectible, so I haven't attempted any sort of disassembly. The rifle has NO markings whatsoever, There is no name on it. The stock and forearm are plastic. In going through my library, the only place I could even find the Simco mentioned was on page 86 of Smith's Gas, Air, & Spring Guns of the World Smith writes that the gun was designed & manufactured in CA in 1948-11950. He conducted velocity tests on the Simco (pgs 258-259), where the gun achieved a remarkable velocity (907 fps). However, the pumping arm failed during further testing..

I'm very interested to find out if any forum members have heard of the Simco, if anyone has one, and if there is any information available.concerning it

I'm unable to post the picture I have, so please click on the link to see the Simco



Iirc the Simco/Apache/Fireball/Texan msps were originally built by the Natoinal Cart (golf) Co. of Pasadena CA in the late 40s. There were changes in ownership in the few years of existence and both rifles and pistols were produced. Many were dual caliber with a spring loaded, sleeve type magazine for 25 cal. lead ball ammo (#2 buck ?) and a barrel insert for .177 ammo. The rifles were usually called the Texan model and were generally unmarked. As you have discovered, the valve seals were not particularly robust.

While not uncommon, the are collectable with price depending on condition and variant.

The AVA Forum has a lot if info there concerning these airguns. Bunch of old guys who will help you id your particular specimen. 

Gentlemen, Thanks so much for your input. These forums are a fountain of airgun experience and knowledge. I'm pleased to find a group of like minded collectors and shooters who are interested in exchanging their individual thoughts and experiences. All that adds up to a corporate knowledge that beats almost any reference book (though books and articles are still a primary source). Anyway, I feel welcomed.

Poking around the internet looking for something and just happened to see your post on the Simco on this forum, so I joined up....

I've got a few Apache rifles and currently what is believed to be a Simco Texan. It may fall into the category of "no known examples" as I've seen only 1 item in print advertising it and nothing listed in the blue book. It's chambered for 22 pellet. There are no markings on the gun and it has the higher quality fit and finish that supposedly go with the Simco guns. Stock is wood and rear site is peep. I got it from an eBay seller who said he purchased it at an estate sale somewhere on the East Coast. 

Awhile back I also had a 22 ball gun, which was stamped 22 on the right side of the receiver. Single shot but had the receiver style that the Apache rifle multi-shot magazine design uses and a thumbscrew and bolt probe..... the latter being the same style used on the multi-shot Apache rifles and pistols. 

My 22 pellet (suspected) Simco is single shot and also has that same Apache multi-shot magazine receiver and utilizes that same exact thumbscrew and bolt probe.

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