I was talking to a guy today that told me his buddy consistently makes 200+ yard headshots on ground squirrels. I told him I could I only do that with my 204/223 powder burner(and even then, not consistently). He said the guy is making 0.25" to 0.50" five shot groups at 200yds. I believe the shooter is using an FX custom 25 cal with with heavy slugs. The shooter said(we talked to him on the phone) that he is shooting at 1100+ ft/sec, so it is subsonic, but I don't remember what weight slugs he was shooting. I invited him to my gun range to show me because even though I don't think it is impossible, I just feel that with my experiences and seeing people shooting high end powder burning varmint rifles, it just seems rather improbable. I am no fan of eating crow, but I'm willing to eat a whole plate full just to see this guy shoot a couple of sub moa 5 shot groups at 200yds with an air rifle with consistency. If you know of people achieving this sort of accuracy, I'd like to know about it.