Skout Airguns Invitational Live Stream with giveaways

What would you all like to see discussed on the live stream? Any guesses on what might a giveaway item might be?
I’d like to see demos of the new LW barrels in .25 and .30. We already know the .22 version is lights out accurate. Also maybe a demo on the dwell and how that affects accuracy out to 100 yards. Shoot some at 20 and some at 30 and compare.
Wish I could make it… 😔
I've never taken in a live-stream event like this. Is it on Facebook? Microsoft Teams? Could you direct us to some instructions for participating and receiving the stream?
Yes no problem at all! It will be on YouTube! Follow this link at Saturday at 2pm EST. There will be a comment section and when we are doing a giveaway we will prompt you to comment a key word to participate in the giveaway! We will be doing a few rounds too and we will be able to view questions from participants and respond on there as well!

A visit by you to Video my new reset units do for RX targets

